
New Year’s Resolutions

Phyllis Inspiration 30 Comments

I am the queen of resolutions. Yes, we all vow to lose weight. OK, we have to wait until after the Bowl Games but definitely not before Downton Abbey season five is well underway. I know I’m not the only one obsessed with Downton, am I?

This year, I am resolving something totally different. I am resolving to do something creative every day, even if I only have 5 minutes. When we do something creative, it refreshes our soul and takes us away from everything that is on our mind.

Flowers and greenery are passions of mine, and I want to have something in the vase on our breakfast table all the time, even if it’s only beautiful greenery.


I am going to begin finishing my needlework samplers that I have in progress. This will take a long time, but the beautiful thing about stitching is that it does not come undone. Stitches stay put unless you remove them. And before you know it, my unfinished projects will be ready to frame and enjoy.

I am also going to finish the quilt I started for our bed. I shared my quilting passions with you and the star quilt I started (and put in a drawer when I got busy) but this year I want to share the finished product with you.

I want to learn calligraphy, and I want to write letters often, even if it is just a note of gratitude to a friend for a kind comment or deed. The passing of handwriting with our young people saddens me greatly.

The overarching resolution I have is to live with gratitude. We all have so much for which to be thankful, and I need to stop often, give thanks to God for what I have been blessed with, and pass along my gratitude to others for their influence in my life.

What is your New Year’s resolution?


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Comments 30

  1. I’ve not thought about my goals for 2015, though toward the end of last year I made a list of what went well in 2014 and what I want more of in 2015. Gratitude and blessings are high on the list, and though I aspire to keep up with my gratitude journal… well let’s just leave it at that. Silently blessing everyone I pass in the store, on the street or in the car is another goal on the list.
    Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you for this graceful journal! I have been missing the softer side of life and the ability to slow down and live less hurried. Recently retired, it is a challenge to get off the “treadmill.” Downton Abbey is one of the ways that I connect to that lifestyle, calligraphy is another. I love beautiful linens, but needle work has never been my strong suit. My husband and I are gardeners and love to bring our fresh flowers into our home. Thank you for a place to turn in my search for a new life.

  3. May the grace and gentility of life surround you in 2015. A friend and I were exchanging thoughts on why we love Downton Abbey and we both said it was about the graciousness and refinement by which each day was lived. I want to work toward my days being like that in 2015 and afterwards. I hope your year is wonderful and filled with happiness.

    1. Phyllis, I read your NY resolutions and it was like they were coming from my very own soul! I too love Downton, flowers and greenery, and am resolving to learn and finish a needlepoint piece that my mother gave me years ago (unfinished). I vow to complete it in 2015 and you’ve inspired me to do just that. I purchased a calligraphy kit in my teens and I still have my practice sheets-from forty years ago! I’ll add that to the list of creative expressions to work on this year. I’m so glad I happened upon your comments this morning. Have a Blessed 2015.

  4. Love how your writing always inspires me. I too am embracing each day and really working at focusing on how I interpret what is going on around me and rolling with life day by day.
    Stitching is such a wonderful gift we can give ourselves…it was my mom’s favorite thing to do especially when the kids were gone and grown up and my dad had passed young. To her I pay tribute everytime I pick up a needle and thread.

  5. I loved seeing your needlework photos! What a treat to leave toe craziness of December and slow down to the rhythm of a needle going in and out. My choice would be the watching of Little Women, a chai tea latte, and some counted cross stitch. We won’t get a single flake this winter, in southeast Texas…but I can sit by the fire and pretend that I am snowed in! I might have to light my gas fireplace and make some homemade shortbread. You have inspired me!

  6. I should love to speak more softly, be more greatful, enjoy the small and simple things in life as if they were the only things that matter. I should also like to be less about me and more about others in my daily walk, to worry less about tomorrow and enjoy the day I have been given-for none are promised-,to become more humble,gentle , loving and understanding and the many projects, yes we all have many unfinished awaiting our return, if they are completed this year I will rejoice but if not that is ok as well. Oh yes, to be a steel magnolia. So Phyliss, here is to health and happiness in whatever form comes our way in the new year, and like so many others, I have the DVR set for all those lovely episodes of Downton. Now I am off to make my own cup of Earl Grey, where is Carson when you need him!!

  7. Lovely…..inspiring to me, as well, to live with more intention and gratitude. I have a wealth of “unfinished projects and good intentions!” Celebrating another significant birthday….and past sixty, EACH is significant!….I challenge myself to live more joyfully, gratefully, and intentionally! Blessings to all reading any and all of your publications, Phyllis. May we all celebrate 2015 with gratitude!

    1. May 2015 be your best year so far!

      I loved Cookie’s resolution, “I will challenge myself to live more joyfully, gratefully and intentionally”. I will add to that by saying that I wish to be satisfied with what God has given me, not disappointed by what He hasn’t given or I don’t need. I will share kindness everyday and try to make a positive difference in the world, no matter how small. Lastly, I will love my body like the gift that God has bestowed and treat it with respect and dignity.

  8. I, too, am totally obsessed with Downton Abbey. My next trip to England will definitely include a trip to Clerestory! Besides finishing a needlepoint sampler I plan to learn to do Monk’s Cloth Afghans. They are so beautiful. And, like you, I want to learn Calligraphy. From the time I can remember I have always been a pen, ink and paper girl and to this day enjoy hand writing a thank you or thinking of you. As usual, there will always be a stack of books waiting to be read as well as books on my e-reader.
    Thank you for the calm and happiness you share!
    Happy New Year, Phyllis! xo

    1. What a gentle and inspiring way to slip into the new year. This is my first peek in the blog and I am enchanted! I love calligraphy and wish to improve the skill. As well, I am devoted to Downton Abbey….the beautiful setting and the cast of memorable characters. Happy New Year to all!

  9. I’d like to leave a reply? Why is everyone letting the school system stop teaching Cursive writing? I was told years back when my son was little that they were not pushing spelling? What??? What are they teaching??? What is next? No money to the schools sounds like it should be to me.Happy new Year!

  10. Motivational post, Phyllis. Thank you. I can’t wait to see your finished creativity. Your needlework is beautiful. I too want to be very grateful this year for large and small blessings. I concur with your comment about handwriting. I taught penmanship as a form of art for many years as an elementary teacher. It was so fulfilling to see students and parents become so interested in a standard of excellence. Thank you for bringing back a pleasant memory. Enjoy the beautiful challenge of calligraphy. I do.

  11. A month ago, I resolved to do more hand work in 2015. As a calligrapher for over 25 years, I would pen invitations, envelopes, citations, awards and always be on a deadline for projects to be finished. This year I would like to write just for the pleasure of using a dip pen and ink, and enjoy the letter shapes.

  12. I too resolve to do something tangible this year! Organization is at the top of my list, starting with the closets, making my way into the basement where I plan to turn a small room into a wine cellar. I have a purpose! God’s blessings to you, Phyllis and fellow readers, in the New Year ahead. May you be happy and healthy.


  13. Your blog today is very good food for thought. It has been years since I have done counted cross stitch. Maybe a project of monogramming linen napkins for each daughter would make a perfect gift of love from Mom. I love to give gifts with meaning as I have been so blessed with two beautiful daughters giving me 4 perfect gifts of love, my grandchildren.

  14. I resolve to give thanks each and every day for all of my blessings: my wonderful and caring husband, my children, and my precious granddaughters.

  15. I too am obssesed with Downton Abbey. Thus, I’m hosting a party for the first episode of season 5. Several friends are also addicted. Re creativity, I have begun crocheting throws for each of my four grandchildren. It may take most of 2015 but what a delight to do this for them. Thank you Phyllis for your inspiration!

  16. Ah, to return to embroidery! That’s one of my goals this year, as I love to do white on white embroidery on fine linens. And resume my Mount Vernon dollhouse adaptation with the new paints (historically authentic to Mount Vernon) and the set of fine brushes my husband gave me for Christmas. Another goal is to get a body of poetry work ready for a forthcoming book later in the year . . . and continue writing and writing and . . .

  17. I too want to be healthier and have asked for a pair of skates for my birthday…this will get me motivated to start in the colder months. We are all waiting for the first episode of the 5th season of Downton Abbey…I found a jar of Downton Abbey tea and will settle down to a cup with some Scottish shortbreads to watch on Sunday.Happy New Year Phyllis!

  18. I received a book about Downton Abby and I am trying to live a less hurried life.
    Having tea and soft boiled eggs for breakfast.I hope I can keep it up. I am also making a resolution to get rid of things that I don’t use or need.

  19. Besides the usual, get healthier, I resolve to streamline my home, meaning, put away some of the knickknacks, to just neaten it all up.

  20. Perhaps it has something to do with the pace we have experienced these past few years..but I and a few thousand others have embarked on cross stitching….We gathered some very good designers and all of them are working on VINTAGE designs…a reminder to not only slow down the pace but enjoy it too….
    Your beautiful stitching is a lovely reminder of what thread and needle can do…BEST 2015 for you !

  21. I used to do needlework when my daughter was little. She would sit on the sofa beside me while I did needlepoint or bargello (haven’t thought about that in a LONG time). And, flowers. I must have fresh flowers in my home always. Even if I couldn’t afford them I would make it a priority to have them as they bring me so much joy. Orchids are one of my favorites and I even get them to rebloom, can you believe it! And, that is joyful X10. Happy New Year !!

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