Autumn in the South porch image from Southern Lady special issue

What I Love About Autumn in the South

Phyllis Lifestyle 18 Comments

There is nothing like autumn in the South. As soon as I spot the first yellow leaf, I rejoice openly, jubilantly, and hysterically—almost bordering on crazy. I love autumn for its fabulous colors and fragrances, not to mention the promise of cooler temperatures. Growing up, autumn meant going to college football games with mom and dad. I will not disclose …

Decoration Day

Decoration Day: Honey, You Look Just Like Your Mama

Phyllis Lifestyle 50 Comments

Decoration Day…only if you are Southern will you get this one. If you are not Southern, then you need to know about this to appreciate what we Southern children know down deep in our souls. Decoration Day is a Sunday in May or June when your family gathers at the cemetery where all your relatives from generations past (kinfolk) are …