Finding Quiet Time - Porch from The Cottage Journal Autumn 2015

Finding Quiet Time

Phyllis Inspiration 34 Comments

When I was growing up, my mother, who is a very patient woman, would look at me and quote the verse from the Bible that says, “Be still and know that I am God.” I would think in my mind, “I am too busy to be still,” and being still was not the choice of a young person.

Even more amazing to me is when I hear an exasperated young mother tell their child they will be going to “time out.” Now, I am not disagreeing with the young mother, but now that I’m grown I would just love for someone to tell me that I am going to “time out.” I think I would ask, “How long may I stay?”

When I have moments that I can just be still and have some quiet time, it gives me time to let my mind rest. I try to sit in my favorite chair with a cup of coffee or tea and just be quiet. Most of us find that when we give our minds time to rest, we start making mental notes of everything we have to do that day. And before you know it, we are right back where we started.

How do we relax and renew our souls? First, as Mom said, be still. Find a beautiful place that you love, and make that your place of relaxation. It may be in your garden, on the porch, in your favorite chair, or at a lovely park.

We must then disconnect. Turn off the cell phones and devices that will interrupt our time. Don’t be afraid of quiet. I love to sit on my porch and have morning coffee. I am amazed at the sounds of nature that I usually miss on any given day. The birds are unusually musical, and the breeze blowing through the leaves sings its own song.

Observe the beauty of your surroundings. I was enjoying being on the porch overlooking the garden this past spring, and suddenly one of my prized flowers just fell over abruptly. I watched for a moment and saw a cute bunny that had enjoyed a “floral breakfast” as it came hopping out of the flower beds.

The biggest challenge in being alone is renewing our minds. I find that if I start thinking of all the things I cherish and love, my mind doesn’t return to the “list” of upcoming responsibilities. I love to think of my grandchildren and what they may be doing at school. Remembering beautiful moments in my life is always restorative. Creative things I want to do in the upcoming days fills my mind also, and I find that my creative juices start flowing.

“Be still and know that I am God” is still a verse that I cling to. I understand it now more than ever. When the world is whirling around me and I am bombarded with noise from all sources, being still and reminding myself of this promise makes the noise fade away and tranquility fill my soul.

Today find your quiet place. Enjoy the restorative time of peace and quiet as your soul is renewed.

What do you do to find some quiet in our busy world?

The Cottage Journal Autumn 2015 cover

Comments 34

  1. I love the way you think. I too live on a a hill call Sanctuary Hill. It is my be still place from the noise of the world. My home has become a sanctuary for thoughts, prayers, praises and gratitude.

  2. At the present time I am taking radiation treatments. I use my time on the radiation tale as one of my quiet times. While taking the treatments you have to be extremely still. I recite the verse “Be still and know that I am God” every morning as I have my quiet time and prayer time with God.

  3. When I was little, my mother would call me in from playing and say it was time for, yes, quiet time. That meant I was to spend time, with myself. As a child of 5 or so, I was use that time to be quiet, color, read, or just entertain myself. Today, I cherish those times. That has given me the ability to have time to myself. I have friends needing people around them all day. It drives me nuts. Quiet time is very essential. Thank you for your posting.

  4. I am blessed to spend my early morning hours with my wife. We sit in our rocking chairs and sip coffee. It’s a tradition we started years ago before we woke our children up for school. I head off to our store by 8:00 and usually spend another 30 minutes or so reading my Bible, praying, or singing before customers start trailing in. God has taught me a lot in those morning quiet times. They will always be precious to me.

  5. Thank you for reminding us how wonderful the quiet can be. I love to sit out on my deck at the lake and just watch the water, the birds and nature. So peaceful!

  6. Sitting on my backyard swing is my happy place to relax and connect with nature! One of my favorite memories is when a hummingbird flew right in front of me as I was reading! I love your blog and find inspiration in your musings!

  7. How true. Next week we finally will purchase our 1907 farmhouse and 33 acres in rural Mississippi. One of the reasons for buying it is the quiet. Heavenly.

  8. It is so good in this day of political correctness that you have the courage to remind us who we need to look to as the day begins.

  9. That Bible verse has been a favorite of my dear mama’s…..and as I get older, I understand more and more. I find that God wants me to quiet my mind….to let HIM speak to me…instead of me doing all the talking during my prayer time! I have a fear that some of our young people today will not be able to understand this principle. Attachment to electronics is epidemic. My prayer is that the generations before them can speak to them through example. Phyllis….this journal entry is beautifully written….from a sincere heart….You continue to uplift and inspire us….Thankful for you….

  10. I am one of those people who needs daily alone time to help me stay calm and focused throughout the day. My quiet time happens in the morning before my husband gets up. I get up and set out a glass of water, my journal, and my reading glasses. I write for about 20 minutes, and then do a brief meditation or a set of breathing exercises for the next 20. I end with several affirmations that set the tone in my mind for the day. May I be happy. May I be healthy, May I…(whatever my healthy goal for the day is such as making nutritious food choices, or drinking enough water), May I be at peace. Then I can begin my day in a relaxed, positive mindset.

  11. What a wonderful reminder of the renewal and refreshment that comes from simple solitude! Nothing from your pen has been more insightful and needed for us all!

  12. Thank you, Phyllis, for this reminder from our Father God to stop, quiet ourselves and think on Him only. My favorite way to be still is to watch leaves moving in a gentle wind, or to find their shadows on a wall, fence or the earth. When I was a child I would lie and watch the moonlight on my bedroom wall as it made shadows of the large catalpa leaves just outside. Trees always fill me with praises for the beauty God has placed all around us. Your message today has touched so many hearts and lit little fires of praise in them. I needed to think of this today along with the many others. One of my favorite verses is “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.” How wonderfully you have reminded me to “Be still and know that I am God” in a time when it may be hard to stop,
    to think of Him and praise Him for His endless goodness to us.

  13. I find quiet time by practising the organ and by praying through my journal. Both these activates bring me close to God. After practising I feel quiet and at peace and usually joyful. I can’t say that my prayer always leaves me feeling this way, quite often I feel excited by revelations which God has given me. But I am still at peace. Both these things are very precious to me. Thank you that you bring God into your journal. He is ignored so much, it must be a pleasure to Him to be thought of.

  14. Thank you so much, Phyllis, for your blessed message today. I so love that verse “Be still and know that I am God”. I’m a great Grandmother and my mind is whirling all the time with family on my mind. It is so restful just to spend time with the Lord each day and to give your thoughts and prayers to him and He gives you peace in your mind when you leave everything with Him. I so enjoyed all the beautiful letters.

  15. I love to sit in the kitchen and admire the 80 foot tall cedar trees, watch all the wild birds, California quail and squirrels feed on all the food my husband has set out for them. Then they gather at the bird baths and have their own conversations…and I thank God for all of his beauty. Phyllis, wishing you a special week-end with family and loved ones.

  16. Good morning Phyllis,
    When I first began meditating with the Lord I found it really difficult to quiet the voices in my head reminding me of all the things I needed to do that day. I really struggled with being able to reach a deep meditative state to spend time alone with the Lord. Then one day my mother shared her journey of how she taught terminally ill patients to reach a quiet place with God so they could find comfort in His arms. I use “Be Still And Know That I Am God” as a tool each day to enter into my meditation periods. My mother taught me to use these words to lift myself up into a quiet place where I meet with the Lord each day. I too find a quiet place, usually on my front porch or in my favorite chair with no noise or distractions and close my eyes and picture myself with the Lord in an amazing place I call His garden. I have learned to be able to see Him clearly, I know His scent, His sweet strong voice, I feel the soft touch of His hand on my shoulder. He has me close my eyes and I hear Him say “Be Still And Know I Am God”. As is allow His words and their meaning sink into my soul I relax and start to let go of the distracting “voices” in my head. Then I hear Him say ” Be Still And Know I am”.
    Again I begin to relax even more as I allow the deep meaning of these words to fill my soul. Then I hear him say “Be still and Know” again I find myself even deeper into His light. Then “Be Still” and then ” Be”. By this time I am completely in a wonderful place “listening” to His messages. I love these quiet times so much! It is during these special times that “He restorith my soul”

  17. My Dad always would tell us as kids to “be Still”– he never raised his voice- but those 2 spoken words had such a positive impact on my life. He passed away, but I still hear his voice encouraging me to “Be Still”. Thanks for the lovely reminder! Blessings to you! xoxo

  18. That’s the verse I gave to my granddaughter! My daughter and SIL were anxiously awaiting her birth. They were going to adopt her. They had already had one adoption fall apart, so they were understandably nervous. I found myself stressed as well, and was bombarding the Lord with my prayers as I drove down 280 late one night when He suddenly, and oh so graciously, sent that verse to me…Be still, and know that I am God. I had not another moment of anxiety and our beautiful little granddaughter was born a week or two later…on Christmas Day. She’ll be 16 this year and had been a blessing to me unlike any other blessing. Thank you, Lord…

  19. Thank you Phyllis…that is lovely. I usually go up to my sitting room on the second floor and drink a cup of tea as I look out the window at our maple tree. Sometimes a bird flies by and lands on a branch or a squirrel climbs up the trunk to its favourite lookout spot. But mostly I am just watching the leaves rustle, the blossoms open up in spring time, the changing colours in fall and the beautiful serenity of snow as it clings to the branches in winter.

  20. Thank you, Phyllis, for such a beautiful reminder. Has always been a fave verse of mine. Lately, I seem to have got caught up in my decorating and trying to make my quiet place that I haven’t taken the time to be still and be quiet! So appreciate your insight and sharing this with all of us who are a part of your “journal”.

  21. Thank you Phyllis, I needed that reminder on this day filled with so much to do. I am going to take a moment to listen to the birds’ song and savor the peace that only God can give.

  22. Such a timely and precious reminder from our Creator who knows exactly what we need. The older I get, the more I understand why this truth is so important. Thank you, Phyllis, for the reminder of what really helps us to be the best of who we are.

  23. Yes, Phyllis this a very great way for all to start our day. I often sit at my living room window and look out at the birds feeding on their bird seed and making their beautiful songs. Such peace and tranquility takes over and my day doesn’t
    Feel so awful after all. Thank you for bringing your special gift of editorializing to all of your fans. God be with you.

  24. Phyllis, thanks so much for writing these precious words of encouragement. The article is SO true, because when we are busy with the clutter of “normal” days, no matter how tired or discouraged we may be over the problems of life, we need to take some time to “be still and know that I am God.” Thanks for sending it, and thanks for making this a better day for us through these precious thoughts from God’s word. Have a great day, and please continue being the wonderful inspiration that you are to so many.

  25. A favorite verse of mine as well. Years ago my sweet sister gave me a beautiful plaque with that written on it. It sits on my bedside table to remind me each evening and each morning. In our rushed and hurried world, we need to hear this often. Thank you Phyllis for this beautifully written reminder. ~Cheryl

  26. Thank you for this lovely reminder. Some days I feel like my fingertips are glued to my laptop. Today I’m going to “be still” on our little stoop and watch the hummingbirds go crazy in the salvias. – Karen

  27. One of my favorite verses. My favorite spot is the living room love seat. I read, study, and can look out at the feeders, flowers and woods. A place of tranquility and peace. Great post, Phyllis. Like hearing from an old friend.

  28. Such a delicious way to wake up on this fall Saturday morning. To be still is very difficult these days but you have relaxed me by just reading and picturing doing the same things today. Thanks sweet Phyllis and hope you have a beautiful weekend.

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