The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano

An Easy Recipe for Pi Day

3.1415 is the numerical value of pi.

March 14 this year, 3.14.15, is as close to pi as possible for a mathematic celebration.

But on pi day at our house, we will be celebrating by having a “pie” day. One of my favorite pie recipes is one that Barbara Cockerham serves. It is an apple pie made by a recipe from her friend Perry James who received it from her cousin who served it at a family reunion. Isn’t that how it is with shared recipes? I always want the recipe of something wonderful I try, and this recipe is one of those.

Barbara’s Apple Pie
½ cup butter
2 refrigerated pie crusts that are packed rolled
4 large granny smith apples, peeled and cut up
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg

Preheat oven to 350˚.
Put the butter in a large cast-iron skillet, and place in the oven until the butter is melted.
Remove from oven, and put the first pie crust (unbaked) in the skillet on top of the melted butter.
Toss the apples, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg together in a bowl until the apples are coated. Then put the apples in the skillet. Take the second crust and place on top, tucking the overhang crust inside the skillet. Cut slits in the top crust so steam can vent. Sprinkle with additional sugar, if desired.
Bake for 45 minutes or until crust is golden brown.

You will love this easy-to-prepare pie. On Saturday, make it “Pie Day” at your house, and enjoy this wonderful dessert.

How do you celebrate Pi Day? Or do you?

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