The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano

Calling All Artisans and the Perfect Lace Cookie

When our team returned home from Victoria, Canada, after hosting An Occasion for Tea, they brought me a little surprise gift from Ivana Smulik. When I opened the cellophane wrapping, I found the most intricate cookie I have ever seen.

I contacted Ivana asking if I could share this work of art on The Ribbon In My Journal. She graciously said that I could share this with you. She made the heart-shaped cookies for our staff as a thank you for a glorious weekend of beautiful teas and wonderful speakers.

If you look close at the tiny treat, you will notice that it is iced to look like embroidery with lace. The tiny lines of the “fabric” are perfectly straight and so small I could hardly see them. Each flower is so precise that you could mistake it for embroidery.

I love when a woman uses her talent to bring happiness to others. The little cookie is still sitting on my desk—it was too pretty to eat! It actually is a delicious honey cookie that will melt in your mouth, according to my staff.

Ivana lives in Canada and makes these cookies in many shapes and holiday themes. Thank you Ivana for allowing me to feature your lovely work.

If you have a wonderful artisan that our friends on The Ribbon In My Journal would love to read about, please post about it in the comments, or send the information and photos to me here.

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