floral arrangement

What Is My Worth?

Phyllis Inspiration 22 Comments

I have watched the most amazing TV commercials lately where women are encouraged to be ahead of everyone, leader of the pack, room mother extraordinaire, best laundress in town, at any cost. I just chuckle when I see this as it perfectly describes being a woman . . . but the question is posed as to our worth. We women …

sunshine through clouds

Be a Shining Light of Encouragement

Phyllis Inspiration 29 Comments

It’s a new year, and I am already late on my first post for the year. January was a blur. But February is here, and we are enjoying these beautiful days. It’s still cold, but the light is brighter. Our Ribbon group is very special to me. I love your notes and emails. You are so encouraging. Together, we can …

Finding Joy & Looking Ahead

Phyllis Inspiration 55 Comments

As we are ending 2022, I thank you all for your lovely emails, texts, and cards. It was a hard year for our family, as Mom passed away this summer, and many of you know all that entails. I still struggle with this rare anemia, and you have offered up meaningful prayers for me, and I thank you. Still fighting …

Autumn and the Things That Matter Most

Phyllis Inspiration, Lifestyle 18 Comments

November has arrived with all the beauty of an autumn season. We usually don’t get the gorgeous leaves until November here in Alabama. Some of you have had them for weeks in your area of the country. And some of you don’t have any at all…beach friends! But this season is always special. Thanksgiving was always a special time for …

Creating Special Memories

Phyllis Inspiration 34 Comments

Autumn has arrived! First, let me thank you for all your lovely emails of encouragement regarding my anemia! You all are the loveliest people. What a blessing. I am sitting by the window that overlooks my walled garden. I marvel at the dahlias that are blooming. I planted several varieties and didn’t realize some of them get as large as …