The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano

It’s Grandparents Day at School!

Today as you are reading this, Neal and I are attending Grandparents Day at our granddaughter’s school. Each year, we go see the beautiful classrooms and excited children, and what an amazing experience we have! Their artwork is beautifully displayed, and they are singing their best songs.

Grandparents Day is a new concept with schools these days. We didn’t have events like this back in the dark ages when I was in school. Back then, the best you could hope for was your mom taking you home after your choir program instead of staying the remainder of the day. Today, schools include every family member in these kids’ school lives, and I think it is great!

Being a grandparent is a very emotional job. I mean after all—I raised one of their parents! I see a lot of their parents in both of our grandchildren. When they do something exactly like their dad when he was a boy, I feel like laughing out loud, especially if he is trying to correct them. I want to scream as loud as I can, “That’s exactly the way you were!”

In two weeks we will be at our grandson’s Grandparents Day at his school, and we will have the same wonderful emotions all over again. I do hope we can take them with us after the program and forget the rest of the school day. After all, hamburgers and ice cream await!

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