The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano

In Search of Solitude

Solitude is an intriguing word. It is defined as “the state or situation of being alone;” not being lonely, but being alone. Solitude to me is a peaceful word, and brings to mind a state of calm and serenity.

There are times in my day when I need quiet. I don’t want to hear the radio, the chatter of crowds, the phone ringing, or a television. I just need the quiet time to think. Solitude.

When I was a little girl, I loved visiting my grandparents. My Dad’s parents had this gigantic walnut tree growing right near their house. This tree seemed to tower high above the house and create a beautiful place of shade outside. Their wooden rockers rested under the sprawling canopy and when my Grandmother’s morning chores were completed, she would always say, “let’s go to the tree!” We would sit for hours under the tree reading, or just listening to the breeze blowing through the leaves. Many times no one said a word, we just enjoyed the quiet. I could rock for hours under their tree with them.

Today, finding quiet is hard. I long for quiet and a time to think. I have decided that you have to make time for yourself. It will never occur naturally! Neal and I enjoy our morning coffee time before the world wakes up and our day begins. It’s our time of quiet.

Let’s encourage each other in the days ahead to find solitude in our day. Turn off the electronics and find a favorite chair to enjoy being alone. For me, I will make it a part of my day. It refreshes me and restores my soul.

How about you?