The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano

I Just Might Need It!

I come from a long line of people who never throw anything away until we have exhausted all possible uses for something. There are probably three pairs of jeans in my closet that I am saving just in case I need to paint something. Not to mention the other jeans that are being saved in case I lose weight and get back into them. I am sure we all have a collection of beautiful clothes that will be there when we hit our goal weight. I dust mine off every now and then.

When it’s time to throw away a coffee can, I have several minutes of soul searching before I can part with it. Never mind that there are several in the basement already saved. Each one is evaluated for its future use. Ziploc® bags, goodness those are tough to throw away too. Shopping bags with handles, grocery bags, Cool Whip containers, and empty jars are among my prized possessions.

My sweet husband will not throw away a T-shirt or a pair of socks, as those are perfect for polishing something or washing cars. There are cans of screws, nails, and assorted little metal things that really have no identity, but they are being saved because we might need them.

We are the ultimate recycling clan. But the day is coming when I will be cleaning, getting rid of things, and keeping the clothes that actually fit (which probably won’t be many!). I have shoes that have heels so tall I couldn’t walk in them to collect a million dollars if offered. Gone are those days. I always enjoy looking through the exercise clothing that I bought so that I could be prepared for any weather when we walk. Since that requires going outside, those don’t really get used much either, but those must be saved, as I have to amend my exercise plan. Let’s don’t talk about that today.

I have tiny giblet scraps of fabrics from sewing projects that I am saving because I might need them…..for something. I keep telling myself that I should make them into a quilt, but I would have to make 15 quilts to use them all. Besides, I already have three quilts started. The ribbon remnants have their own drawer in my sewing room along with snippets of embroidery threads.

I have resolved to share the things that other people can use and enjoy. Cleaning out and reorganizing is very therapeutic. I love finding new homes for my things that have spent enough time with me. It has actually become fun. My sewing remnants and extra fabrics have found their way to the home of a young girl learning to sew. My tall and exotic shoes are now on the feet of a gorgeous young woman that works with me. I have given dishes to friends and family who will enjoy them. And my clothes are going to organizations that actually give them to people in need. If you look at this as a sharing experience, it is fulfilling.

Why not try it? Take one closet and begin there. Don’t look at the whole house as a project, just one closet or room at a time. That’s where to begin!

Tell me, what do you save for “someday”?