The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano

A Simple Act of Kindness

The other day a stranger complimented me out of the blue. It was delightfully unexpected and brought a smile to my face. I love moments like that, when someone says or does something that brightens another person’s day. We can all think of those moments of kindness we have experienced. Whether it’s an unexpected compliment, a hug, having the door held open for you, or even just a smile, there are many little joys that color our days.

You never know whose day could use a boost. There are so many people that we come into contact with each moment that we can show kindness to. I am trying to incorporate more of these simple acts into my life. It is so much fun to think of ways to do things for others!

Doing random acts of kindness is a wonderful thing to get kids and grandkids involved in as well. If you want inspiration for especially creative ways to show kindness, is a wonderful resource where you can read stories and learn how to make a difference. Let’s work together to spread simple acts of kindness to those who are around us.

Do you have a favorite simple act of kindness?