The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano

Turn About is Fair Play

Well, I see my dear Sister took over the blog while I was out of town. And so many of you loved her responses! I thought it was great. When she picked us up at the airport, we went by to see the progress on the house. Wow! The talented workmen had really accomplished a lot while we were gone.

When they saw Sister, they each grinned from ear to ear. When I looked at her, she let me know that she had been bribing them to work faster while we were gone. She was hoping the house would be finished! But alas, no, and we moved right back in to our place at Sister’s.

I loved her blogs and as I read them, I thought about how many times we all wished we had rebutted in a conversation, but didn’t. Why don’t we really share our thoughts? Why do we rethink moments and play in our minds comments we wished we had made? Curious, isn’t it? Sometimes we just don’t know people well enough to openly give our thoughts without fear of rejection. Many people are just too shy to differ in opinions for fear of a conflict. There are times I don’t want people to really know what I am thinking, and I just observe the conversation.

Sister and I will be sharing more on the blog as the weeks go by. It is fun to have her giving her “side” to the story! When we were kids we always practiced singing Irving Berlin’s song “Sisters” from the movie White Christmas. Now, if we could only find those fans!

Do you think a rebuttal is fair play?