sunshine through clouds

Be a Shining Light of Encouragement

Phyllis Inspiration 29 Comments

It’s a new year, and I am already late on my first post for the year. January was a blur. But February is here, and we are enjoying these beautiful days. It’s still cold, but the light is brighter.

Our Ribbon group is very special to me. I love your notes and emails. You are so encouraging. Together, we can bring light into our lives by sharing thoughts and experiences. So, let’s share this blog and see how many members we can get. We all need a boost for sure.

What makes us respond to an encouraging word? Have you ever thought about it? My mom passed away last year, and I miss her so much. She had the special gift of noticing and commenting on good in people. She always found something genuine to talk about that made you feel special. It just took a tiny sentence, and your day was changed.

As we begin this new year together, let’s take a baby step forward in encouraging people in our lives. It must be genuine, not contrived. Pointing out good brings a new belief in oneself. It also a very good habit to adopt. It will become a part of your life as you encounter people.

Our world today needs to see love and concern in people. We can lift the cloud with carefully chosen words. Today, go out and be a shining light of encouragement. You will change a life.

(Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash)

Comments 29

  1. Phyllis ,you always seem to know just what to say. Your words are comforting. Hope you are feeling better. I will keep you in my prayers for better health in the new year.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about losing your mom. My dad passed away last year on September 8. Yesterday was 5 months. I’ve never known such pain.

  3. Your heart light always shines bright Phyllis! Thank you for sharing The lovely Ribbon in my Journal with us all.
    And a mother’s heart strings reach all the way from heaven. Xoxo ♥️
    Sending love and light back to you!

  4. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. My husband of 46 years passed away a few days before Christmas. The support & encouragement of others has been a gift from God. Just this morning, I mailed an encouraging note to a young woman from my small group at church. She has been especially encouraging to me through my husband’s ill health & death. Kindness & encouragement cost very little but can make a huge impact on someone’s life.

  5. Spring is just around the corner and the days are brighter. You are always an inspiration with your words of encouragement. I pray for you and all of us to to be blessed and to bless others this year with kindness and encouragement.

  6. Based on the comments, Phyllis, your mother would be proud, as you, too, are the light in so many lives. Thank you for what you do. We are all blessed in our own ways by your presence.

  7. Dear Phyllis, when we have wonderful mothers we never stop missing them but we do handle each day better than the last one. My mom has been in Heaven now for 36 years in June. Not one day goes by that she doesn’t enter into my thoughts. I tell her what a great mom she was, that I miss her but will see her again and how grateful I am she was my mom! May you be blessed with God’s sweet peace and eternal love. kb

    1. Always nice to get a message of encouragement, which we all need. I also lost a wonderful mother many years ago, when I had a young family. She left we four girls with a lot of special memories and lessons I still practice to this day.
      Keep up your inspiring blogs, they are truly enjoyed.

  8. Phyllis it’s so nice to hear from you, it’s always a pleasure! My deepest sympathy on the loss of your Mom, may God comfort you with his peace and love. I’d like to share my favorite Bible verse found in Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. May God give us his hope so that we can share our light with everyone around us and lighten the burdens of this dark world.

  9. Such beautiful words and lovely sentiment. I am so sorry about the loss of your mother. I think of my mom and how we would have had sewing projects together. I am so thankful for the memories. I feel that your publications give me the basic feeling that I grew up with and miss the Southern Lady celebrations.

  10. I am comforted when so many share their faith in these messages. In this world today, it is such a blessing to hear verses quoted and blessings shared. Thank you, Phyllis because you are so busy running a company and now, I’m guessing you are the matriarch of your dear family; but you still take time to encourage us. It is always nice to see your post in my inbox!

  11. So very true. What a lovely post. We are called to be a light and I do hope I can be a shining light. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I remember meeting her a Southern Lady Celebration years ago. What fun memories those days were. Prayers for peace and comfort.

  12. Thank you so much for this encouraging word! It reminds me of the scripture passage of Hebrews 10:23-25, (TPT): “So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps his promises! Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love. This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing. In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.”
    Also, Isaiah 60:1-3 talks about arising and shining with the glory of the Lord in times of darkness.
    I am so thankful for the encouragement of the Word of God and for the encouragement of others to keep persevering, keep looking up…be the Light Bearers…because “weeping may endure through the night but joy comes in the morning!” (Psalm 30:5) ❤️

    1. It’s so wonderful that I found your site again. I haven’t seen it for a couple of years. I didn’t know how to get back to you. Your monthly post is always a bright spot in my emails. I was so sorry to read that your Mother had passed. May you be comforted by God’s love and may He give you peace during your time of sorrow. Please know you are in your many readers prayers.

      Thank you for being able to read The Ribbon in your Journal!

  13. Thank you so much for the love and encouragement. My wonderful husband of 55 years passed away December 30th with Alzheimer’s. My heart felt condolences to you and all the others who have lost a loved one. They say time heals, but without the love and support of those around us, the journey is more painful.

  14. Thank You so much for Lighting up my day!
    I am missing my dearest, oldest Friend who passed in Dec.
    We could always find time to call and cheer and encourage each other.
    You have done that today! Continued Blessings!❤️

  15. Sending you condolences on the passing of your sweet mom! This post made me think of the verse… Let your light so shine upon men that they may see your good works and praise your Father in Heaven! Everyone needs encouragement- we all need it! Friends that encourage others are a special blessing!

  16. My heartfelt condolences. I, too, lost a loved one last year. I, too, feel more positive as the light grows stronger this month.
    Your posts are always a welcome moment in the busyness of the day. Thank you.

  17. What an encouraging post! So happy to see your blog again. I am sorry about the loss of your mother. Losing a parent is heartbreaking. Praying for you as you go through the process of life without her. Looking forward to more posts from you this year!

  18. Such an encouraging post, Phyllis. I’m so very sorry about losing your Mom, I still miss mine every day and she’s been with her heavenly Father for over 5 years. You are so much like your Mom, always encouraging people, you have the gift she had, it lives on in you!

    Each day is an opportunity to be the light in someone’s day, to care about people you encounter. Sometimes all it takes is a smile and a hello! Wishing you a blessed February!

    xo Lidy

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