floral arrangement

What Is My Worth?

Phyllis Inspiration 21 Comments

I have watched the most amazing TV commercials lately where women are encouraged to be ahead of everyone, leader of the pack, room mother extraordinaire, best laundress in town, at any cost. I just chuckle when I see this as it perfectly describes being a woman . . . but the question is posed as to our worth.

We women have always been able to do all that and more, but it doesn’t describe our worth. That’s what we do—and not who we are.

I laughed at my mother’s friend who refused to share her recipes. Now, that was before the Internet where you’re able to research any recipe, so sharing was the way recipes would circulate. She would bring wonderful dishes to luncheons and watch friends swoon over them but would tilt her head with great pride when one would ask for her recipe. “Oh no, I don’t share them!” She must have equated the recipes with her self-worth.

What are we worth? That’s a tough question and seems to be posed a lot. We are worth so much it can’t be described to anyone. Our worth to our friends, family, and colleagues is different for each. I have friends who are worth so much; just hearing their voices makes my day special. My precious family is worth everything to me.

As we are constantly challenged as to our worth as a woman, my answer is: “everything.” It’s not about accomplishments or wealth; it’s about loving unconditionally, encouraging others, reaching out a hand to those in need, praying for and with friends who are hurting, and being an example of living our lives in such a way that our family and friends know we are always there for them.

If you are letting your accomplishments define your worth, please look into your heart and find your worth there. Right now, call someone and make their day. You will see your worth come to life. You are worth everything.

(Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash)

Comments 21

  1. In today’s world, it seems we are battling between good and evil at every turn. Phyllis, as you read these comments from Heaven, your words and thoughts are “good” and are words to be considered and sought again and again. Thank you for gracing us.

  2. Thank you so much Phyllis! I agree with Lynda and Lidy – Amen! to your words.

    Thank you so much for your lovely perspective on worth. Words I shall be re-reading and pondering for awhile.

    A few months before her passing, mom told to my brother-in-law to remember that love is best. He was so inspired he made a small artwork with her quote and a beautiful collage background to share with everyone that Christmas.

    On that note, love to all who read this and to you dear Phyllis.

  3. Thank you for starting this thoughtful and meaningful conversation. I was immediately reminded of Jesus’ words recorded at Matt. 22:37-39.
    ‘Love’ is a small but powerful word. Love begets love. And when we need assurance of our worth, remember John 3:16.

  4. Thank you for this reminder. It all boils down to being kind and supportive of your loved ones and there you will find your worth.

  5. Thank you for such beautiful inspiring and uplifting words . It’s so true that after such a challenging times communicating with loved and dear ones has taken a whole new level appreciation and gratitude . A simple message can put one on the right path for a good day and a smile on one’s face, let alone a whole conversation. It’s worth taking of our time to think of others because deep down you feel the worthiness of your actions, and it is very soul enriching to know that even for a few seconds or minutes you have brightened and uplifted another person’s day .
    Thank you Phyllis for these beautiful words because you made me remember in my dear father who has passed away at a very young age but made every effort in life to help and think of others , his life always proving to be worthy of the phrase a true gentleman .

  6. After coming out of a long season of caregiving for husband, I need to take those words to heart. So much of my identity & worth were wrapped up in that task. I need to step back and find my new identity and value in the person I am now.

  7. Indeed!…This reminds me of something i read once…one’s worth should not be measured by one’s job, money, title, appearance,big words, affiliation or imitation but instead by one’s kindness, unselfishness, generousity,humility, shared optimism and integrity…and what a fine world that would be if we valued all those things.

  8. So much truth in this age of social media “influencers” ~ we, as women have an important and honored place in our family’s lives as matriarchs, soft and strong ~ love deeply & your life will be blessed!

    1. Beautiful post. Whenever this world seeks to make me feel out of place or not good enough, I remember the word of God says, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30. Another version says she SHALL be praised. I rest my hat on that.

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