Ballet Quote

Our Budding Ballerina: The Joy of Little Girls

Phyllis People 32 Comments

When our granddaughter Amelia was born, my life took on a whole new meaning. My babies were twin boys, and my first grandchild was a boy. Now don’t get me wrong, I love my boys more than life. I have laughed and said that I am a great boy mom. And when Hays was born, we just carried on the traditions.

But when Amelia was born three years ago, I finally got my girl. I had squirreled away antique lace, linen, buttons, ribbons, and vintage garment patterns since I was expecting my boys 33 years ago. I would visit my stash from time to time and wonder if I would ever get to use my collection. So when she was announced, I started sewing for her, monogramming everything, and searching for the perfect shoes.

Amelia After Recital

I have just lived through the most amazing thing in the world: her first dance recital. She is 3 going on 20 and loves bows, ribbons, and dresses that “twirl,” so she was in her element. As we entered the theatre and saw that enormous stage, I really wasn’t sure she would even go out there. It is overwhelming enough for adults to be before hundreds of people, but babies?

There were hundreds of doting families all waiting to see their little angels perform, all with flowers in hand for the presentation and photos afterwards. Hollywood could not do better. I picked roses from my garden and made my small presentation nosegay.

Finally after several other groups had performed, out they came from behind the curtain. Little arms and legs were flailing in all directions with reckless abandon. And each had a time for their run-and-jump ballerina solo. Hers was perfect.

Actually it was quite comical. I loved watching the girls stop and wave to their families. One couldn’t get her hair bow back on her head. Two started pushing each other trying to stand on the same star. I was having so much fun watching these three year olds on stage. I would love to know what was going on in her mind. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to really know what thoughts they have as they are going through their dance?

I love Jackie Kennedy’s words “The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I’m thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes.” In Bouquets of Love, I selected this quote because it reminds me of Amelia. The world through her eyes is fascinating. To really experience this I block out all the world and sit and talk with her. She sees things so clearly and makes everything alive.

Do you have a favorite quote or thought that you would share with us?

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Comments 32

  1. You are so blessed to have a beautiful granddaughter…..and she is so lucky to have a doting and loving grandmother! I have the May/June issue of Southern Lady and her bedroom is beautiful. I love PINK! Never enough PINK! I had a son who is now 35 and a daughter who would be 32 but she died when she was 4 months old. I always prayed for a little girl and God finally answered my prayers. I have a granddaughter named Gracie and I have had her since birth. She is my little girl! Like you… I too shopped for the perfect little dresses and shoes. I love shopping for little girls. I noticed in the picture that your granddaughter had some pretty ruffled socks. I have a Etsy store called Gracie LaRae’s Boutique and I custom make pretty ruffled socks. If you ever need the perfect socks to go with that perfect dress you can email me @

  2. I have four sons and my first grandchild is a boy. Then….four little granddaughters and lastly, another grandson. I waited so long for a little girl and to have four! Each one is precious and so are my grandsons. I’m truly blessed!

  3. I recently retired so I now have time to enjoy all your magazines and blog. I love your Blog. Thank you for inspiring me.

  4. My first child was a daughter. She was the first child of what has now become seven. Being the first grandchild on my side, and a girl, she received beautiful dresses for holidays from her grandmother. The Christmas that our Angel was two she bravely stood on the platform at the front of the church in her fancy black and gold dress, white tights, and black dress shoes. Her hair was arranged special for the occasion as well. There she stood in all of her angelic beauty with a strip of gold fabric hanging down where it had become unattached during the before program fun. That picture perfectly told the tale of our little girl. All girl, all beautiful, and all full on fun with a sparkle in the eye.

  5. A lovely story. You are so dear to share these moments with all of us. Aren’t daughters and granddaughters wonderful? My daughter wore all the beautiful dresses two doting grandparents and a mother brought home but she was a confirmed tomboy….. jeans, her fishing pole, turning every rock over to find worms. Today, she is a lovely woman who can wear a dinner gown, cook a gourmet meal and serve it perfectly, catch a fish, clean it and cook it for her Mama’s breakfast. What a wonderful gift from God she is. (My son too, by the way) from a very blessed and thankful Mother, Ruth

  6. Oh, what an angel!!! I honestly dreamed of having a little girl, but received my 2 precious boys instead. They are the joy of my life but I secretly hope that one day, I might get to watch a grand daughter twirl and swirl on a stage in her tutu!!! So happy that you are having this joyous experience with Amelia! Here’s to many, many more ballet recitals and bouquets!!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  7. This is so incredibly sweet, what a cutie pie! Don’t have a girl but have a family full of them……I was considered to be the princess with my “men” lol..if only they could see this princess on a day to day basis, all illusions would go right out the window!!!! Seeing a darling little girl in a pink tutu is one of the sweetest sites…..just too cute for words, enjoy every minute Phyllis!

  8. Oh , Phyllis … I share your sentiment . I have no granddaughters yet , but have the precious memories of both my girls (now , 29 and 33 yrs old !) taking ballet as tiny tots and continuing through high school .
    We were so blessed to have them participate in “professional type” full length , classic ballet performances. I have saved each and every beautiful costume – they played many roles through these years . I have tiny pink ballet slippers and pink satin pointe shoes that were worn in Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland,Copelia ( to name a few) . My daughters have grown to be graceful,sophisticated,feminine young women. I am convinced that all the years of ballet – the discipline and the frills , have enhanced their lives .
    Enjoy and cherish each dance moment , each and every tiny stitch on Amelia’s ballet slippers and costumes . Your heart will be warmed forever !

  9. Loved your story. It reminded me of a sweet and funny granddaughter adopted from China. She and her parents were invited by the Chinese embassy in Washington, DC to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Her Mom was especially thrilled because she had purchased a pretty Chinese dress for her. Well, when the big day arrived, she refused to wear it because it didn’t twirl! She was four years old.

  10. One of my oldest granddaughters was a ‘dancing ballerina’ but her great talent lay in chorography. When she was about ten and I was in charge of the Aldergrove Rose Queen Pagent I had her do a routine for our special night when the contestents would meet the public and a talent evening…this little granddaughter redid her dance school routine which was for a group into a solo. Her mom and I were so proud of her. To help make some summer spending money when she was about 12 she started her own ‘dance school’ at her parents home. The little neighbor girls had so much enjoyment and worked very hard at each of their lessons. Great training and decipline for life, n’est ce pas?

  11. I had big hopes for my daughter’s first dance recital but it wasn’t to be. We signed her up for dance lessons when she was about 5 or 6. She really didn’t like going to the first, second and third lesson, which should have been a wake-up call for us, but we persevered and took her to the fourth lesson. She got under the dashboard of the car and held onto the brake pedal so we couldn’t pull her out so we finally got the message! My big dreams, however, would not die, and I couldn’t wait for my first granddaughter. As fate would have it we have one grandchild and he is a boy. But can I tell you about his first baseball game?!!!..Thanks for sharing this. It brought back a whole bunch of memories and your little granddaughter is so precious…Judy

  12. My grand daughter Lucille Marie was a budding ballerina. What fun she had.
    I now have two great grandchildren and they are a super blessing from the Lord,
    one of which is a little girl, Maybe a future budding ballerina.
    I so enjoy your Ribbon in my Journal.

  13. My hair had had never been cut until I was in the third grade. I wore it in braids most of the time. When it was cut the lady just cut both pig tails off and left them intack. My Mother saved them for me. I had them framed and still have them hanging by my bed.

  14. Please save her first ballet slippers and first pointe shoes. My mother did that for me, and after many years of lessons and performances, I still love to touch and smell(!) those wonderful little shoes. I danced through elementary school, high school, college, and finally stopped at the age of 35. Those little shoes followed me everywhere, and reminded me of my dedication and love for this beautiful art.

  15. Omg she is beautiful..I too can’t wait for my little granddaughter to start dancing as her mom did…she is 18 months and it should not be long now!!!
    thanks for sharing !!!

  16. I have three wonderful granddaughters who have gone the dance recital route for many years. It was a special joy to watch them as they advanced from the early years,(uninhibited on stage) to the reserved stances of being a ballerina. Now they are all in their thirties and standing tall, as a dancer should.
    A smile comes to my face as the remember them at 3 and 4..twirling and leaping with utter joy.

  17. Having been through many of these extraordinary recitals with three granddaughters, I can so identify with your description of your first one. They are wonderful!

  18. I too am the mother of two wonderful boys in their late 20’s. I loved being a Mom to these two great guys, they were so easy, no drama. Then a few weeks ago I found out I was to be a grandmother (my first grand baby) and it is a girl, YEAH!! Now I have someone who will love my Madame Alexander doll collection. I can buy pinafores with smocking and hair bows. I am so blessed.

  19. I was so excited to see your post today, because we, too, have a little ballerina. She’s held our rapt attention for six+ years and has danced her way through three recitals, with one coming up next week, so she’s a pro at it now, and fully expects the bouquets of flowers after each one. They are well earned in my book, for all the joy she brings us! For her, I’ve made tussie mussies, so we can preserve them for years to come (you can see them at my blog, Chickadee Home Nest). I, too, have two precious boys, and I’ve loved being a mom of boys so much that I wasn’t pressing for a girl, but what a thrill and a blessing it is to experience the joy of having a little girl in our lives!

    Thank you for sharing your joy; I understand it completely! ~Zuni

  20. Sigh…I remember that first recital after three boys. And the second, (sniff!). Now she’s almost a teen! And the Kennedy quote is perfect.
    Can you please tell us the book measurements, i.e., is the book a “normal” size (coffee table) or is it one of those teeny books that card shops sometimes sell (bedside table)? Thanks!

    1. Hi Christine – Bouquets of Love is the size of a normal gift book (6×8) you’d find at card shops. It’s 144 pages and features more than 125 colorful illustrations and photographs.

  21. I, too, had boys (3) and 2 grandsons; and finally our little girl arrived – Alyssa – all sweet and pink and loving all things pink. She is my most special prize and I look forward to many years of grandma and me days! She turns 8 this year three days after my birthday so we are both Gemini’s – yahoo!

  22. I too remember my daughters first dance recital. They were all so beautiful in their pink tutus and trying to be so graceful. When to my horror, my daughter tutu fell down to her feet, I imagine her running off stage embarrassed, but to my pride she kicked it out of the way and just kept dancing. I was so proud of her since so many had started giggling. She has grown into such a confident young woman and I think at that moment she decided to never let anything get in her way.

    1. You took me back 15 years to Abbey’s first dance recital at Briarwood Baptist Church! We got there an hour early so we would be sure to have front row seats on the side she would be on. SHE WAS ADORABLE! There were all 4 grandparents and 3 great-grandparents waiting for our Abbey to “perform”, and perform she did! She only made a few mistakes, but no one talked about them. After several more years of dance lessons, she decided that was really not ‘her thing’, so she stopped taking lessons. I would have been disappointed, but she picked up a lacrosse stick and spent the rest of her time while in school playing on a winning Vestavia State Championship Team.for 5 straight years! Though she was not the best little dancer around, she was a smoking lacrosse player! She has always made me proud of her no matter what she did.

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