Camp Gigi

Camp Gigi—Part Two

Phyllis Lifestyle 32 Comments

One of the main things I wanted to do with the girls at Camp Gigi is to get them working with the mind and hands—creativity is key! One thing I’ve noticed is that we all need more creative time, and it’s even more fun if we work with others. My granddaughter and her best friend encouraged each other, and their creativity was flowing freely!

Interestingly enough, they started out trying to make things alike, and then we talked about being an individual. I assured them there was no right or wrong way to create their totes or t-shirts. These projects were distinctly theirs, and that was what made them special!

However, I did purchase some matching iron-ons. I have learned that if you don’t provide some alike items, someone will inevitably feel slighted.  So, the composition of their designs is what would make them unique. I loved listening to their giggles and side conversations as they moved their motifs around a million times.

The entire day’s event culminated with a wonderful fashion show—and I loved every moment of it!

The next day was the most interesting day I have had in a long time. The two bright-eyed wonders had planned that this would be the day they would do my hair and makeup. They were giddy, and I was a little…hesitant? As they proceeded to arrange my powders, shadows, and mascara, I realized these girls know more at eight than I knew at 15. One of them asked where the moisturizer was, because apparently, I was in desperate need. From then on, the makeover was in full swing! They made me promise I would wear it all day. Ok, I could do this. Besides, was “no” ever really an option?

Camp Gigi

With one girl on each side, I watched as these little charmers applied powder and blush. My face was complete (although one side was blushed heavier than the other), and next it was eye makeup time. They instructed me to close my eyes as they swept on eyeshadow, liner, and mascara. WOW! Lipstick next—this was a tag-team effort with one child painting the top lip and the other painting the bottom.

If you ever get the chance to have your makeup done by your granddaughters, take it! This was quite the out-of-body experience, but 8-year-old makeup artists are so much fun!

With their finishing touches on my hair, they declared we were ready for shopping. They told me several times during the day how beautiful I looked. That was truly priceless.

Tell me about your special moments with your grands.

Comments 32

  1. My granddaughter comes Evey year for about 2 weeks to visit. We always have fun.
    This year we made strawberry rhubarb jam. She was so very proud of the many jars we produced.
    We like to Cook together and make cookies too. We always have many special memories of time spent together
    Wendy Robinson
    Casper WY

  2. Yes!! Please know, this “Yaya”’s heart is breaking for you and your family. May God give you and your family strength.
    And thank you Phyllis for this “Ribbon” to connect us with each other!

    Again, you are in my prayers!

  3. You are the Best!
    The wonderful memories you are
    creating are priceless.
    And, the fun, you had was better than any medicine.
    I love reading your true stories &
    the creative ways you spend your
    life. You surround yourself with
    love & beauty.
    You are a special blessing. May God
    bless you always.

  4. Thanks for sharing the memory. I remember my young niece doing my makeup one evening when I was babysitting many many years ago. It’s very hard to forget bright blue eyeshadow and bright pink lips. It was the eighties, maybe that is back in style?!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful memory making moments.
    I was excited to try some of your artsy ideas with my granddaughter Emma.
    She was hit by a car on Wednesday evening and passed away at the scene on the road in front of our home. She would have absolutely loved the notebook idea and slime intrigued her. As we grieve today I am so thankful that the Lord has given us precious moments to remember. I want to encourage you to keep making the memories. They are priceless.

    1. Oh Anita my heart is hurting for you. I cant even imagine the pain you must be experiencing. Please know of my prayers for you. I will be thinking of you. Thank you for sharing with your Ribbon family.

    2. Dear Anita…I am so very sorry to hear this! My heart goes out to you and I will keep you and your family in my prayers! I am so, so sorry!!!

  6. Oh what a lovely little memory you created–I could not stop smiling, as 35 years ago my daughter and I had the very same day together !!! And yes– I, too kept my makeup and hair in place ALL DAY LONG–even when a neighbor gal stopped by !!
    Gma’s should be FUN loving and never stuffy and hands off–YOU DID JUST THAT !!
    ….MEMORIES are made of this !!

  7. Oh Phyllis, this is such fun. I may be able to top this story. My Grand daughters are a little older now but they still remember the day. I was living out of state and visiting my family all of which are all over Indiana. While visiting my darling GRANDS they wanted to do my hair and make up and of course you can’t say no to the DARLINGS…they fussed and fussed over my hair…which is longer than the other Grandmother’s so it was a real treat to work on a lot of hair. They worked their magic and we played, had a tea party and played some more. It was finally time for me to go…sad hugs and kisses until next time. Did mention I was staying with my elderly parents? As I was driving about an hour and a half back I laughed out loud and smiled all the way home. I walked into the living room where my parents sat and I noticed they were looking at me almost stunned…I continued to chatter about my weekend and what we had done that day in particular as it was such a treat for us…and, my Dear Mother listened quietly as I finished and said…”I can’t believe you drove home looking like that…what if you had been stopped…WHAT WOULD THEY HAVE THOUGHT??? I went to the mirror and then saw again how OVER MADE UP AND COIFFED I WAS and all I could do was to laugh all over again and try to imagine what on earth the policeman would have thought of me…GOLLY!!! But, it was such a great day!!!

  8. Oh Phyllis, this is such fun. I may be able to top this story. My Grand daughters are a little older now but they still remember the day. I was living out of state and visiting my family all of which are all over Indiana. While visiting my darling GRANDS they wanted to do my hair and make up and of course you can’t say no to the DARLINGS…they fussed and fussed over my hair…which is longer than the other Grandmother’s so it was it was a real treat to work on a lot of hair. They worked their magic and we played, had a tea party and played some more. It was finally time for me to go…sad hugs and kisses until next time. Did mention I was staying with my elderly parents? As I was driving about an hour and a half back I laughed out loud and smiled all the way home. I walked into the living room where my parents sat and I noticed they were looking at me almost stunned…I continued to chatter about my weekend and what we had done that day in particular as it was such a treat for us…and, my Dear Mother listened quietly as I finished and said…”I can’t believe you drove home looking like that…what if you had been stopped…WHAT WOULD THEY HAVE THOUGHT??? I went to the mirror and then saw again how OVER MADE UP AND COIFFED I WAS and all I could do was to laugh all over again and try to imagine what on earth the policeman would have thought of me…GOLLY!!! But, it was a great day!!!

  9. My granddaughter Catherine and I used to play ” Perfume Lady”. We would use my collection of empty perfume bottles. Once when it was Catherine’s turn to be the owner and saleslady, and me the customer; we were sitting next to each other on the sofa. She was “writing up” my special order. She smelled my neck and told me that particular perfume was “perfect for you Daahling!” . If that wasn’t funny enough (she was almost 4) she then started gently running her fingers up and down my neck. She said: “oh Nana I just LOVE you neck! I said :” Really? Why? ” She replied: ” It’s so ruffley! ” It was so hard to keep a straight face. I guess “ruffley” sounds better than wrinkle-y. HA!

  10. Making sweet memories to be never forgotten long after the makeup has been removed. Thank you for sharing.

  11. You are such a good sport, Phyllis!! I’m sure those girls will always remember the fun summer days they’ve had with you!! Your home and your heart offer the girls a beautiful environment of creative joy. I’m learning a lot from your stories.

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