purple floral arrangement

Are We Encouragers?

Phyllis Inspiration 26 Comments

I have pondered this so many times this past week. Am I an encourager?

We meet people all the time that cross our paths, and some are a permanent part of our daily life. Just as our lives change, so do the lives of others. I have noted that there are people that make us feel so loved and valued and then others make us wish we had never been around them. The difference I have determined is their ability to value and encourage by simple little gestures.

Have you noticed that when someone comments on an outfit or new haircut, we immediately perk up? Or when someone belittles another, we wilt away. Developing habits of being an encourager is a practice, but one well worth pursuing. Kind thoughts aren’t meant to be only harbored in our minds, but to be shared. Now I am not talking about flattery that has no substance, but true caring and commenting. It takes effort to really notice and compliment one another. We are always moving at a fast pace, and slowing down enough to do just that requires real concentration.

I love being around happy people—people who make my day brighter. Inevitably, we all have to deal with challenges and problems, so it’s always refreshing to see a friend who chooses to look for the silver lining. As situations and seasons come and go, cling tightly to those kind of friends. 

Don’t ever underestimate the power of the spoken word. Words laced with encouragement and positive recognition are life-changing. There is power in speaking them and receiving them. And when we do, notice how our self-worth feels just a little richer. I am challenging myself today to be an encourager—to surround myself with people who bring out the best in me, and in turn, bring out the best in someone else. Are you surrounded by people that make your life better?

One day here at the office, one of our precious girls left beautiful yellow roses on my desk without a note. I finally found out the giver, and I asked why no name. She responded with the neatest comment. “I just wanted to brighten your day!” Wow, that is powerful. She didn’t want any recognition—just to brighten my day. And she certainly did!

Today and every day, I am going to notice more carefully, share kind thoughts often, and hopefully, “just brighten someone’s day!”

Comments 26

  1. Dearest Phyllis,

    Your blogs have been so beautiful, such lovely thoughts. They have been an underlying strength for me while caring for my mom these last few months. Mom passed in July and there are still so many things to take care of even with a carefully planned estate, let alone the grief of losing her.

    Your words and contemplations have carried me through these difficult days, letting me know there are good, thoughtful, loving, God fearing people in our lives. People who care for each other, even within this lovely ribbon of conversation, have given me the wisdom and strength to keep going. Thank you Phyllis and all on this blog for sharing and loving.

    My mom said loving one another is the most important thing. Ever. All my love…

  2. With all that is not right in this country, it would be easy to fall into that same trap of negativism. This, however, is not God’s plan for His people. I’ve learned that we have to live intentionally. We have to decide to live in a positive, loving, encouraging way. We must be alert to opportunities God puts in our paths to be encouragers. Staying close to God through prayer and His Word will have our hearts and minds ready for these opportunities. A smile, a kind word, a helping hand all can make a huge difference in our own lives and the lives of others.
    Phyllis, The Ribbon gives me a lift each time you, and the others who share, post comments of encouragement.

  3. Oh Phyllis, what an inspiration you are to me and so many, as seen in the comments I read above. I sure try and be one that encourages and supports others since so many have done the same for me. Sometimes just a simple smile from another is all one needs to brighten their day. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. Hi Phyllis, I focus on my daily walk with God as he encourages me to encourage others that come into my life each day…Staying positive and always with a smile! I feel so blessed with
    my health as I age and am extremely grateful. Also a personal note to YOU Phyllis, I feel your blog is nothing but AWESOME! You put a big smile on my face today, thanks!
    California Carmel

  5. Thank you for this gentle reminder about the importance of our words to others and the importance of being an encourager. I try to be an encouragement to others and treat them as I would like to be treated. I love reading your ribbon posts and an added bonus is reading the replies of many like minded and kind women as well as sisters in Christ I haven’t met yet. God’s blessings be upon you today.

  6. Phyllis, thank you for being a woman of faith and integrity. I so agree with everything you have said. I hope it is ok for me to name a person I have met in the blogging world that is an amazing encourager….Pam Richardson at Everyday Living. I know her tablescapes have been featured in Southern Lady. I think we can change the world if we follow your advice or at least our little part of the world. Just love your magazines…I have quite the collection now.

  7. As usual you have inspired me with your ability to get to the point. I am 76 years young and still learning how to make my way through a world that has forgotten how to address our fellow humans. When out and about on my daily chores I notice the people I interact with that seems to need encouragement. It’s so easy to bless them with a few words to make their day less heavy. My reward is seeing them lighten up and more likely than not, I get a nice thank you, I needed that. It blesses me and them. Thank you and I have to tell you I sent a friend a copy of Victoria that my letter was chosen to be published in. She thanked me and said Victoria is dangerously beautiful, I agree.

  8. Truly a important message. I want to use my tounge and my lips for kindness,my daily prayer. I have had to let go of some truly negative people but have gained room for creative and happy new friends. I know that all of us are in that circle of influence,God help us all to be women of encouragement

  9. Dear Phyllis: Such a lovely and important post I refer to what you have said as – sincerely scattering joy. It is so vitally important in our world today, to pause and take a moment to listen to someone, see someone and possibly read their words. By a simple acknowledgment, we scatter a bit of joy.

    I truly love, Phyllis, that your blog is not just about ‘pretty things.’ You have a platform to bring to the front many issues which need our attention and you are doing it so well. I thank you for that. While you and Hoffman Media bring beauty into our lives, you Phillis, give us so much more of what truly needs our attention.

    1. Ruth Ann,
      Ephesians 4:29 is a perfect scripture! Thank you for sharing it. Hebrews 10:24 & 25 are scriptures that have, also, been encouraging me to encourage others. I appreciate Phyllis exhorting us to encourage. What a difference this can…this will…make in our homes and communities…and our nation…a wonderful rippling effect that can change the whole world.

      1. Goodness…I accidentally gave myself a new name…I am actually Connie Rogers…in case anyone was wondering. :o)

  10. Agreed! I love how everyone has expressed encouragement in so many different ways. I have a few friends that encourage and support and give me that strength to walk with my head up high. I in turn, try to always find something I admire in others and make a point of highlighting that for them. This is not just flattery, but great qualities I find others possess and should be pointed out. Thank you, Phyllis for reminding us to be encouragers. To be those friends, family members, coworkers, and even strangers who build up,rather than tear down.

  11. I use to be a counselor and if I could help someone in need to turn their life around by talking them thru what they were going thru, that meant more to me than getting paid to do the job! Kindness and caring go a loooooong way in making someone else feel good about themselves!

  12. I love your blogs and this one was so good! We all need encouragement and it blesses the giver as much as the receiver. I love writing encouraging notes and very often people will tell me what a blessing it was to receive a handwritten note in the mail.

  13. I have often thought of you, Phyllis, as an encourager. I always feel so good after reading your blogs, and you frequently lift my spirits and inspire me to be a better version of myself. I do love the feeling of seeing someone’s face turn brighter after I’ve given them a compliment, and really, it takes so little effort on my part! The “return” on my “investment” is enormous, so basically, it’s a win-win situation when we encourage others.

  14. So true, Phyllis. Thank you for saying it so well. Even a smile to an elderly person in the grocery store can bring a little light to their mundane day. It’s fun to look for the places to encourage and lift others up.

  15. The wise woman builds up. I see the word “courage” in encourage. When we build up someone, we may be pouring courage into that dear one’s heart. Many people have encouraged me throughout my life. What strength I’ve received from them, I’ve tried to pour into others. We truly need one another.

  16. Your comments remind me of Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

    Let’s build up others!!

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