The Note-Taking Bible

Introducing the Note-Taking Bible with a Giveaway

Phyllis Giveaway 272 Comments

I must admit that I am traditional. That doesn’t mean that I don’t embrace and love new things, but my taste and desire is for tradition. I have to tell you a funny story.

Neal and I were sitting in church several months ago, and a gentleman that we know came in and sat in front of us. He was slightly to my left, and I could “conveniently” see everything he was doing. As I was preparing for the service and greeting those around me, he whipped out his phone and appeared to be texting or reading emails. Oh my gosh—I was totally nuts. Then the man in front of Neal pulled out his iPad. Well I was totally enraged. Totally.

As I conveniently looked over the shoulders of these two I realized they had the scriptures on these mobile devices. They were reading right along with the minister. The one with the iPad was able to highlight and make notes. So I learned something new that day: making notes and recording insights is totally a personal thing, and whatever works for you is great. I still haven’t tried this as I realize that I would accidentally turn on music or something during the sermon. So taking notes with pen in hand is still the best method for me.

This brings me to my latest find: the Note-Taking Bible. I love to make notes when there is something extraordinary I want to remember. I have traditionally used various notebooks through the years, and for awhile I carried both to church. The Note-Taking Bible is one of the greatest new creations that I have seen. The scripture verses are printed in the center column, and there is a roomy column to make notes on the outer side of every page! What a genius idea! It is perfect for notes during church or thoughts during my quiet time. It is the perfect size to carry to church, and the paper is the best.


Our friends at Lifeway/B&H Publishing sent us five of these wonderful Bibles to give away on this blog! I have written about journaling many times on this blog, and this Bible combines both journaling and the scriptures beautifully.

The Note-Taking Bible from Lifeway

To enter, share a comment below about what this special Bible would mean to you. We’ll choose the winners on January 11.

Why would you love a Note-Taking Bible?

Southern Lady Jan/Feb 2016

Comments 272

  1. yes maybe you can bless a man who was kidnapped I’m traumatized ptsd from it, I’m looking to really dive into my relationship and yahs word a journaling Bible would be a sparker towards that goal, bless me bless me indeed.. yes and amen. age 39

  2. I would love this Bible because for the first time in my 35 years, I am committed to reading the Bible. The church I attend is reading the Bible in one year and it’s day 10 and I’ve kept up!!!

  3. I am a 74 year old retired pastor, although one never really retires from the Lord’s service just slows down a bit. I completed my seminary education a long time ago, but never took Greek or Hebrew. I recently entered a Greek class at a local church, and it would be wonderful to make notes in this Bible of the Greek meanings in the different passages. I feel that a Bible like this one will aid me greatly in the continuation of my ministry in the Lord’s work.

  4. I am finding my way back to the Lord since a nasty divorce. I have always loved Journaling and I think God would speak to me through this gorgeous Bible. The ability to read, speak to the Lord and be still and listen is amazing.

  5. I have recently begun taking notes during church in my Bible instead of the handouts. I follow Bella Blvd’s blog and absolutely love their fairly new Illustrated Faith endeavor. That is where I was first introduced to Bible journaling. As much as I would appreciate a Bible in which to express myself, I think I will stick with writing as my artwork isn’t very…artsy! My daughter, however, loves to draw and received coloring books and pencils for Christmas – and hasn’t put them down since! The art teacher at school has shared with me how she enjoys having my daughter in class and watching her creativeness flow in the way she expresses herself. I would love to be able to provide her with a Bible where she can journal her journey in Christ.

  6. If I were to win this bible I would give it to my grandson who just turned 12 this week. He loves to read his bible and I think this would really be an encouragement for him to continue to read the bible. It looks like a really unique bible to own, I will probably check into one for myself also.

  7. I have taken notes in my Bible for almost 30 years! When I no longer have a place to write, I must purchase a new one though I never discard the old one. Bibles with a wide margin have always been my best option. This Bible would be great. The Bible I currently use was purchased the day I found out I was pregnant with our first child, and it is literally falling apart! This Bible would be a great blessing!

  8. I would love to give this as a gift to my best friend, Mary. She turns 53 on the 10th, and she recently lent me her copy of A Purpose Driven Life. I’d be able to give her something just as special.

  9. How wonderful to see so many people interested in this note taking Bible! I’ve always journaled, taken notes in church and written in my Bibles. What a genius idea to combine the two!

  10. I’ve always written in my Bibles; Now that I’m older it is hard to read my notes because I had to write so small. I wish they had this when my grandfather was alive. He was a pastor and wrote in his Bible too, but it too is hard to read.

  11. I am a note taker, I would love this so much good wisdom from the pulpit I wish I could play it back and write it all down

    1. Post

      Congratulations Becky! You are one of our five Note-Taking Bible winners. Please use the “Contact Me” link at the bottom of the page and in the Comments field provide your address so that we can send you this wonderful gift. Thank you for entering the giveaway and for subscribing to The Ribbon in My Journal.

  12. I would love a note taking Bible! I’m disabled due to a head on collision with a drunk driver a few year’s ago. Could no longer work in the medical field or anywhere to my dismay. I have paralysis in my legs, torso, and hands. The Word of God has brought me through tough times. I love to journal and share my heavenly thoughts with friends to encourage them.

  13. Oh this looks do fun! I’ve been looking at these and would love to have one to journal in! Words that God has given me, I try to write in my Bible, sometimes there isn’t a lot of room but this would be great!

  14. I always love reading your blog and look forward what your next post will be! As I read through so many comments, it made my heart swell to know how many Christian women were commenting on your post! I, myself have been a Christian since a child, and raised in a devout home, strayed from my faith a few years ago but have since reunited with my faith and what a wonderful bible that would be to use and write note while studying the word! I did not even know these type of bibles existed! What a surprise! Thank you for all of your wonderful tips, readings, recipes, and wise information! I feel as though I have met a longtime friend!

  15. What a great idea! I am forever jotting down notes on scraps of paper during sermons, Bible studies, etc. and putting them in my Bible, but I can never find the right note when I need it! This would be a perfect Bile to carry along to church, etc. and keep special notes in the space provided.

  16. I would love to own one of this note taking Bibles not only for sermon notes but also to record the claim of scriptures for prayer request and praise reports. Gayle

  17. I love the wide margins!! Long ago I had a wide-margin Bible and I loved it for taking notes. When that one was full, I could no longer find one available, so I was back to squeezing tiny notes in my regular Bible. Thanks for the news of this edition and for making it available!! Whoever wins it will be blessed!

    Evelyn Hill

  18. Like you, Phyllis, I tote a small notebook along with my Bible to church, and a separate notebook to Ladies’ Bible Study. For my daily devotions I use my gigantic, large-print study Bible and write in the margins and a journal. As you may surmise, this new Bible would be a godsend for me and combine at least two functions, maybe more! I will be looking into it even if I don’t win one of your giveaways…Thank you for always suggesting and offering such great products/ideas.

  19. I’m totally entranced by these Bibles! Art and letting and doodling to highlight the truths of scripture!! What a great way to reinforce what God is teaching us through his word.

  20. This is a beautiful Bible and I would love to own one. This is something I could leave my children someday. Maybe one of my notes would be a blessing to them. Thank you for this opportunity.

  21. This Bible Journaling trend looks like so much fun! Although I love reading in black and white, space for illustrations and color make it even better! I have pinned lots of Bible Journaling ideas on Pinterest and would love to begin illustrating my own special Bible! There is usually one verse that jumps out at you when you read…that’s the one to make your own! What a gift!

  22. I have been using my current Bible for over 25 years and it’s so full of notes in the margins there is no more room to write. What a wonderful idea to have the space to put your notes right by the passage! Thank you for offering the opportunity to receive this wonderful gift and for sharing your faith!

  23. It would be so wonderful to have space for my thoughts & what I learn from church & bible study lessons. Now I TRY to write very small, but there really isn’t enough room.
    I’d love to have one of these beautiful Bibles.
    Love your blog & your magazines, they’re the best

  24. This Bible would mean a great deal to me. I love art and have always found myself to be a visual learner and exceed when I have a creative visual to go by. This would really help me in being able to express what scripture means to me in a creative and artistic way. What better way could there be for a visual learner to dwell on the mighty word of God?! This would be a wonderful way to get that word sown in my heart as I express it in my forte ‘art!’

  25. For some reason I have always thought of my Bible as something pristine, probably because I received a Scofield as a graduation gift. Having one I could write in or make notes in would be a totally new experience.

  26. A Bible with a place for notes would be very helpful to me. During our service we have four verses that are read. To be able to take notes or sketch a picture would help immensely. It would help with prayers for those mentioned at time for joys and concerns, also. I would really appreciate being given one of the Bibles. Thank you very much and God Bless You.

    Harriet Stafford

  27. Faith is the greatest gift I have been given. I treasure the relationship and the link to family through our faith.
    I would love to have a new improved format to capture thoughts, inspiration when reading or using the bible. I had not seen this. Thank you for sharing!

  28. I have been looking at getting one of these. I usually take notes at church in a notebook but this would be so handy…nothing extra to carry!

  29. I’ve seen these journaling Bibles around the Internet, and the journaling people do in them is just gorgeous! I tend not to write inside my Bibles, but this one would give me permission to do so, LOL, along with plenty of room! What a wonderful idea!

  30. What a wonderful find for you to share. I have a Bible that has so many notes and highlights and is so tattered and worn. I also have a journal that I have pasted scriptures, songs, and anything that touches my heart from the church bulletins. What a wonderful gift this would be to receive. Thanks for inspiring our daily lives.

  31. I would love to own this bible as I am a senior citizen who used to paint but had to give it up due to downsizing my home. This could offer me a chance to once again use my artistic and calligraphic skills.

  32. What a wonderful blessing it would be to receive this beautiful Bible. I love the scripture in the middle and room on the sides for journaling. Brilliant idea! Thank you for sharing this and for the giveaway.

  33. Glad to read about this post! My husband who’s a Pastor, and Teacher of the Word loves scribbling little notes on his bible and this would make for a wonderful gift to him! Thanks again for sharing.
    Blessings to you in this New year!

  34. LOVE! LOVE! I am a note taker and My bible is full of tiny hand written notes. This is awesome! Such a great idea! I would so enjoy this!

  35. What a great Bible! I too have written notes in the tiny margins of my Bible as well as kept notebooks! This would be a great “all-in-one” way to keep my notes and be able to easily read them and their references without drawing arrows from one note I have made to another!!! Thank you for openly sharing your faith with us in your blog and for this very kind give-away!

  36. What fun way to take notes. Would be so fun to pass on to children / grandchildren! To be able to read your notes & possibly see your art work too!

  37. I love the idea of being able to have my notes right by the verses I am studying. For the first time you would not need a notebook or little scraps of paper all thru your Bible. It would make a great gift.

  38. My sister has one of these, and she draws pictures that illustrate the verses in hers (aka..the Karla Dornacher artsy method). I love to have one of these bibles too! thanks for the giveaway.

  39. What a wonderful giveaway! I would be excited to win, but would have to give it to my college freshmen daughter. The Christian college she attends holds daily chapel services and Bible classes – I know this would be a great help to her in taking notes, as college students usually have a lot of books/notebooks to keep up with 🙂

  40. I love taking notes in church on Sunday. How nice it would be to have a Bible to take notes and have as future reference. I enjoy your blog and your many talents you share. Thank you!

  41. What an incredible idea! Like you, Phyllis, I have struggled through the years with finding the right system for taking notes during sermons as well as writing in during my quiet time. My Bibles are filled with highlighting and notes that have encouraged me over these many years. When I find a verse that applies to my husband, children, or grandchildren I put their name beside it and the date and begin to pray that verse over them. At our New Year’s Day meal, one of those verses will be printed out on lovely paper personalizing the verse with that person’s name in it, rolled like a scroll, tied with beautiful ribbon, and placed in a sweet, holiday utensil holder at their place. We all read our verses over our meal and each person there knows I will pray that particular verse over them for the entire year. My daughter has some of her verses on her memory wall in her bedroom made with ribbon and big buttons to hold all her memorabilia.

    I’ve taught parenting classes since the early 90’s in churches and Christian schools. I always encourage parents to pick verses for their loved ones in their Bibles and put their names and the date when they began praying that verse for them so their Bibles will have meaning when they are long gone from this world. I joke with them and say that I want my children fighting over my Bibles when I’m gone.

    This Bible would make revisiting my notes so much easier, especially when I need to hunt for those notes to go and speak to a MOPS group or homeschool group.

    Thank you Lifeway!


  42. Thank you for sharing this! I love the idea of having space for notes on each page. I would love to try this Bible out.

  43. Phyllis, I love how you share your faith and what a wonderful giveaway. Next time I am at Lifeway I will look for them. I am blessed by your blog and enjoy reading it so much. One of the commenters said how much she would enjoy an audio Bible. You can listen on your computer at home or smartphone when you go walking as I have done this many times and just love it. I purchased inexpensive speakers for my laptop that make listening so much clearer and the background music on the dramatized version is much more audible. One such site is called Bible Gateway and you can download the app for free. I’ll be praying that the persons who would most benefit having a new Bible will receive one.

  44. My church is reading the Bible together. I am a long time Bible study note taker. Years ago one of the senior’s at a church had her Bible rebound with every other page blank and I have aways thought that would be a great idea. Pray that the person that could know the Lord better in 2016 will be blessed by your gift. Thank you for hosting.

  45. What a joyful idea! This would be such a blessing as I’m embracing the words of the Lord again in my recovering from breast cancer. After detection and treatment this last fall I’ve found a huge need to reflect and reread the Bible. I know Grace know and want to spend some special time reflecting, praying and considering what the blessing of health and his word means to myself and our family.

  46. This Bible looks amazing! One of my goals is to get better at taking notes and making the scriptures more personal. This would definitely help!

  47. I love to write notes from the sermon in my Bible. A little girl in front of us took notice and decided to scribble in her Bible. Her grandma said no writing in the Bible. She pointed at me and said “she. Is doing it”.i need a note taking Bible especially a King James.

  48. What a wonderful idea! How great it would be to be able to go back and reread scripture and reflect on my notes and continue to add personal thoughts. I take both my Bible and my journal with me to church each Sunday. Would love to have this special Bible.
    My husband passed away in June after fighting a year long battle of pancreatic cancer. God’s word has provided such comfort during this very difficult time.

  49. I spend all my waking hours in a wheelchair. It would mean so much to me to have a copy of this wonderful Bible. I appreciate the opportunity to enter the giveaway.


  50. I usually scribble on paper when I am talking on the phone, reading, or watching TV. So, that makes this a good choice for me. My current Bible doesn’t have margins wide enough for note talking.

  51. Hi, Phyllis.
    I have finished my seminary degree last December. It would be a delight to have a new Biblle with designated space to take notes. My other Bible that I carry with me when I travel and go to church has no more space for note-taking.
    What a FAN-tastic response for the reading and studying of God’s Word! This encourages my soul!

  52. I enjoy reading your posts as they come in. My children gave me a bible years ago with print that is so small I can barely make out the words even with my reading glasses on. I would really appreciate the chance to win this bible and be able to make notes concerning scripture I don’t understand or need to delve deeper into.

  53. I would so love to have this Bible. The one I have been using for many years is covered in notes in the margins and is beginning to fall apart and I will be purchasing the Note-taking Bible if I am not selected. Thank you so much for sharing your faith with us.

  54. Having recently returned to my faith after a long absence, this would be a perfect way for me to write questions to be answered and thoughts and feelings as we all share. I will definitely be looking at this wonderful Bible.

  55. As I read your post today, I felt as though it was an account I could have easily written of my experience! I learned shorthand in college. (1961-62) Since that time, I have taken notes of sermons. Bible studies, retreats, conferences and seminars I have attended. To have a Bible with “white space” would be a great delight!

  56. 180 Comments! That is wonderful!
    I was in our Lifeway before Christmas and handled one of these Bibles for the first time. Such a wonderful idea. Years ago, Mother had a Bible that had tissue thin sheets for taking one’s notes interspersed with the printed pages and I thought that was grand. These new Bibles are one of those things that one cannot believe have not been done before. Excellent!
    What a nice item to be able to share; I know that the exact person who should receive one will be chosen.
    [Tho’, I could have been one of those who concerned you since I have come to rely upon having the Scriptures in hand on both my iPhone & iPad!!]

  57. What a lovely idea! I too have notes in the small margins that have become somewhat blurred over the years…without my glasses! I do enjoy being able to keep up with notes in my Bible instead of in a separate journal.

  58. I’m 70 and I want to leave a legacy of faith to my children. This Bible would be the perfect way to record my reactions, prayers, praises to the scriptures so that I could pass it on to my children and grandchildren. While electronic devices can be wonderful, I believe sooner or later, they will become obsolete. But not the written Word.

    1. Post

      Congratulations Peggy! You are one of our five Note-Taking Bible winners. Please use the “Contact Me” link at the bottom of the page and in the Comments field provide your address so that we can send you this wonderful gift. Thank you for entering the giveaway and for subscribing to The Ribbon in My Journal.

  59. My Mam-ma kept a diary by her chair and read every evening. I would have loved if it was a note-taking bible like this one since I have inherited it. I would love to have this to pass down to my kids. Thank you for the opportunity to receive one.

  60. What a fantastic idea! I take a notebook to keep notes in, but not having to take a Bible and notebook would be awesome!

  61. we recently had a class at our church on teaching others & the focus was journaling in your Bible—I’m so happy the publishers listened to the consumers & made this available to us!!! God bless!!!

  62. This bible will make a wonderful gift for my grandchildren. What a great idea to be able to make notes and drawings in it. I would love to win a bible but will diffinitely be buying them for the family. Thank you for sharing the information with us. I enjoy and look forward to your blog.

  63. Phyllis, I would absolutely love to win this Bible. However, looking at everyone else’s comments, I think there are so many more deserving people than me who should win. I do want to thank you for being so unashamedly Christian and willing to put your faith out in public for the world to see. There are not many publishers who would do this give-away. Blessings to you and your family in the New Year!

  64. I have to say, I am really blessed to see how many of your lovely readers are interested in this beautiful Bible. I hope those five go to the people they are meant for! <3

  65. What a great idea!
    I just had saw my local life way store having a seminar on bible journaling.
    I would love to go and learn how to combine my love of journaling into my bible!
    As it is now I hv numerous journals saved through the years in an old trunk for my children. My niv bible is so tattered and used …would be fun to do something new!
    We have a wonderful artist at my church I’m sure would help me get started!
    Wonderful way to begin the year in Gods word!

  66. Oh my, how very nice! I know it would be a true treasured Bible-love note taking as I write all my notes in purple ink on my Bible-Blessings!

  67. What a wonderful idea! My Bible is running out of spaces in the margin with notes and thoughts. This would be a big help with space for my Women’s Bible Study group. Thank you giving your followers a chance to own the Note taker Bible.

  68. I have waited for years for someone to come up with this idea! I had planned to get a new Bible at the beginning of the year. If you could only see the one I have now! It has so many notes, underlines, dates, and other special remarks that I can hardly read the scriptures anymore! Not to mention the spine is about to come off. I no longer carry this Bible to church with me because of it’s ragged appearance after being used diligently every morning for the past 20 years!! Winning this Bible would mean so much as the cost of Bible’s these days are quite expensive (but well worth it). Thanks for sharing the good news!

  69. As I am graduating graduate school and about to embark on a new career, I would love to have this Bible as a way to refresh and renew my spirit. What a beautiful keepsake as well!

  70. Phyllis, with so many persons responding, it’s obvious you have touched a nerve! I know you are delighted. I teach a women’s Sunday School class, and having the Note-Taking Bible would be so much fun to work from. I love to jot down notes as I study in my Bible, and this would be perfect as I would have plenty of space for my thoughts and could return again and again to refresh my memory. Whoever receives these Bibles will be blessed. Thank you for your encouraging and inspiring blog. It’s always a treat to see what you will share next with us! Have a good day, and Happy 2016!

  71. I love your blog! I find I am inspired to create, write, craft, and I am filled up with joy when I do these.
    I have seen these Bibles and would love to have one. Unfortunately, I cannot afford it. I did buy myself a 3.99 art journal and have been using it to draw pictures to go with scripture and then write out the verse. I also take notes it. The only problem is I have 2 things to carry to and juggle with in Church. My life would be a little easier if I was blessed to receive one of these Bibles. I hope whoever wins is truly blessed by it!
    Thank you for the opportunity to participate!
    Deanna First

  72. I have been studying a 4 year course in my church. The college course is Education for Ministry. You study the old and new testament. I would very much love to have this bible to write notes during my classes. I would cherish having it. Also my bible study group is going to start a program with the Beatitudes.

  73. You are exactly right. I am still a pen and paper kind of girl. This is the best idea for sure. I have lots of notes in my Bible now. Thank you for sharing this. This would be a great way to continue my Bible study.

  74. I learn so much better when I write down what I am hearing. I am guilty of not referring to the important notes that I take. Having the journal Bible would keep my notes front and center.

  75. I too am a lover of tradition. And this bible sounds like something I would like to have because I still write my
    notes in the margin or on a piece of paper. So glad to know someone else that loves tradition as I do. I hope
    that I might be a winner. Thanks for sharing this.

  76. My Bible is full of notes, this BIBLE is the perfect answer. I would LOVE to win one of these, it would be great to have room to write thoughts and be able to read them later.

  77. Oh this Bible sounds like an answer to prayer for me! What an inspired idea. This would be such a treasured Bible to hand down to my grand daughter one day!! Thank you for letting us all know of this joyful discovery.

  78. I have never seen a Bible such as this and would really appreciate the opportunity to take this to my church with me to make my own personal notes. I have been a member of this church since 1971.

  79. I belonged to a bible study group where I was the youngest by 25 years. I loved to listen to the wisdom of these wonderful ladies (in their 80’s) whom I called treasured friends. They walk so closely with God and are so faithful in their belief even in times of angst and illness, which was a huge inspiration to me. Sadly 4 months ago we moved to live in Cape Town and I had to leave my wonderful friends behind and continue my spiritual journey with a group still to be found. A Bible to “write in” would enable me to jot down a word or phrase, the experiences and insight that others have had with their relationship with God to serve as an inspiration for me.

  80. As someone “new” to reading the Bible, this would be perfect. After losing a parent and sibling a few years back, I felt God had turned his back on me, but recently talking to a new Pastor, I woke up to some realization that it was me that had turned my back on God. So this would be perfect for me to use in Church and take notes of what our Pastor is saying.
    thank you.

  81. Love that you have room to write your thoughts about a scripture or write an artistic drawing of a scripture that speaks to your heart.

  82. I am a group leader at our parish’s Women’s Bible Study. I would love to use this Bible to take notes for our group discussions and my own personal study. Thank you!!

    1. Would be wonderful to use in my Women’s Bible Study class on Monday mornings. to help me improve my studies with comments &interpretations from others..

  83. What a wonderful idea! My Bible is full of tiny notes along the edges of the pages, but this new Bible would
    take care of that nicely. It would be my pleasure to own one!

  84. This is one of the most Beautiful ways to express your love for The Lord and the Love of His Word. It does my heart good to see so many response to this giveaway. A Bible like this is one of my dreams. May The Lord led you to the right person to receive this Special Gift. Thank you for sharing so many beautiful things.

  85. This bible would go straight to my daughter-in-law… She is very spiritual girl and I know she lives her life quoting different scriptures… Her and my son have gone through many difficulties throughout their courting life up until now… So for such a young couple I know that this particular bible will guide them through their trying times… What a wonderful gift to give someone especially your children…. Thank you for sharing this with us Phyllis, you did it again!

    Many Thanks,

  86. Such a beautiful way to add thoughts and notes to your Bible. What a great gift to receive and an even greater gift to leave for my one and only grandchild Rachael, one day.

  87. I would love to have this Bible, where I could enter what I call spiritual treasures. I envision that one day my grown children would see mom’s notes and The Lord will bless them with their discovery.

  88. I would love to have a bible like this to be able to take notes at church or during daily devotion that I am now doing. Thank you for this opportunity!

  89. What a great idea. Just found some wide margin Bibles, but this would be even more useful. The idea of being able to leave notes for my children is very inspiring. Thanks for the chance to win.

  90. Since God’s word is living, there are always things to record. My current Bible is full of notes and slips of paper. Each year I have to empty them into zip locks to start over again. This would be wonderful to have. Thanks for the opportunity to win; and if not I will definitely be doing my own research to obtain one. God bless!!

  91. I always run out of room on the side of the scriptures where I try to take notes. This will totally solve this problem. Such a great idea!

  92. I would use this during my daily quiet time to make notes of Scripture passages that speak to me or what God lays on my heart. Thank you!

  93. Bible reading was not a big thing in my family or my religion, but I recently found the peace that it brings to one’s soul. Adding my own thoughts to pass on to my children would be a wonderful addition. I will be looking into purchasing one for each of my two grown children, too! Thank you for sharing this information. I had no idea such a Bible existed.

  94. My heart is over-joyed at the number of responses to today’s question! I am thrilled at the number of ladies who are believers and reading God’s word. Thank you for bringing our attention to this Note-Taking Bible. What a brilliant idea and now at the top of my list. Thank you Phyllis for this inspiring blog and your sweet words that brighten our day.

  95. This is wonderful, Phyllis. I find that God often provides a particular insight for a scripture, speaks to me through His word when I’m going through a difficult patch, or lifts me up in a particular way with a joyful passage. I try to document these instances, but I admit I don’t do this regularly. When I do, and see the reference later, it’s a heartfelt reminder that God is with us in everything and that this builds our faith. The note-taking bible actually provides the lines and space to do this very thing (instead of hunting for sticky notes or trying to write small enough to get the date and insight next to the verse)! What a delightful provision.

  96. I’m always writing my notes on little slips of paper…so many my Bible can’t hold them all any longer and they tend to fall out of place. This Bible would solve many problems besides the one I just mentioned. Thank you for telling us about it.

  97. What a fabulous way to start off the New Year! Reading the scriptures daily and being able to jot down sweet words and thoughts and perhaps a small picture would bring more meaning to my reading. My bible is from when I was a young girl (I’m 67) and the pages a very, very thin and I’m always afraid of tearing them. This would be a fabulous way to live the scriptures.

  98. We discussed the note taking bible in our bible study group today. We are going to the local Christian book store next Tuesday because there is a class on this type of bible and the chance to buy them on sale. We have heard that folks write in margins about certain life changes that have come about because of praying and reading different passages in the bible and that’s some of the reasons people record in the note taking bibles. I am looking forward to purchasing one if I don’t have the opportunity to win one.

  99. What a wonderful idea to be able to write down the thoughts that the various scripture verses bring to mind and not spoiling the text of our favorite bibles. Thank you for the opportunity for this meaningful gift.

  100. My Bible I am using is from 1958 and I tend to take notes on our weekly Church bulletin and save them all. This would be a much welcomed gift to start out our New Year! The greatest Book “The Bible”
    ever written, what an opportunity! Thank you…Carmel

  101. I am 74 years old and was taught to buy a wide margin bible, but this one is awesome. How wonderful to have your notes with you always.
    If I don;t win one, I am going to buy one.

  102. What a wonderful idea! As a professed Sister in a Dominican Order, this would be a blessed addition to my growing library. Thank you for sharing your blog dearheart!

  103. What a gift this Bible would be! Not only can one take notes as one reads but later one can review and build on these notes right by the scripture! Perfect! I would love to have one. Thank you, Phyllis, for bringing this to our attention. What a joy to know there are so many women of faith reading the Bible and Hoffman publications.

  104. What an amazing gift that would be. I bought one for two of my granddaughters but not for myself. It would be amazing to win one!!

  105. I would love to own my own Bible. All the Bibles that I have were someone else’s. Just to say this is my own Bible is so meaningful. The fact that you can journal in the margins is a wonderful thing. Just this morning, I would have loved to written my thoughts down as I read the passages.

  106. How brilliant is this! I generally dislike making notes in my bible because the spaces are so small I usually can’t read my notes when I go back to them. This is genius. Yes! I would love to have one of these!

  107. Dear Phyllis,
    What a joy it will be for 5 people to receive a Bible like this. I love to give Bibles as gifts and I always tell them to write in margin, underline, and comment on scripture that speaks to them; it’s OK to do. I remember when I bought my first Bible many years ago and since my childhood did not include reading The Word and my house did not have a Bible in it when I grew up, I was extra protective of It. It was such a treasure to me, and I felt deserved a perfect place, very safe.
    Now I know that the Bible contains The Living Word and though it is still revered and treasured, The Bible is written and given to us to be eaten, taken in us. Therefore I love writing in margins as I study God’s Word. I make notes, add dates of times when I find a comforting scripture, write important thoughts down, and people’s names to pray for them.
    Wow, I am just overjoyed that a Bible has been printed for just such
    Things….praise to The Lord for inspiring this! I would love to have such a precious Bible.
    Blessings to you and the publisher.

  108. Thank you for sharing the information. I love to jot that one special sentence that grabs my attention during a lesson or sermon. To receive one would be great, but knowing that someone has a journaling Bible to purchase.

  109. I was so excited when I saw your blog offering a chance to win this beautiful Bible 🙂 I have been looking for the perfect journal to write down my journey with the Lord, but now that I have seen this note taking Bible, I can’t think of a better place for a handwritten legacy, that I can pass on to my family 🙂 Yay 🙂 So happy 🙂 Thank you Phyllis and Lifeway/B&H Publishing for offering this wonderful giveaway 🙂 ps. Another reason this Bible would be special to me is because it came from you, the editor of my “very favourite magazine” ever 🙂 “Bliss Victoria”. Thank you, Tracey

  110. I often take notes in my Bible. I even date the comments to remind myself of what was going on in my life so I can remember how the Lord used His Word to encourage,give direction, or teach a life lesson. I pray that one day the notes wil be part of the legacy I leave for my children and grandchildren. The note taking Bible is a great idea.

    1. Post

      Congratulations Anita! You are one of our five Note-Taking Bible winners. Please use the “Contact Me” link at the bottom of the page and in the Comments field provide your address so that we can send you this wonderful gift. Thank you for entering the giveaway and for subscribing to The Ribbon in My Journal.

  111. I would love to have one of these Bibles. I hope to get each one of my children & son/daughter-in-law one. This is such an expressive way to worship the LORD through the creativeness of one’s mind as to what they see & hear as they read the scriptures. I have been thinking about purchasing one . Then I open up your email this morning. Thank you for the opportunity to win one. Blessings!

  112. How special that you would share your love of God’s Word to your readers. Thank you for sharing the most important thing in life that we can experience and know – God’s Word.

  113. This would be a wonderful way to combine all my old notes by writing them next to the appropriate passages. What a treasure for meditation to see them all in one place.

  114. My dad’s pastor used his Bible during his funeral to share the important thoughts and verses that made my dad who he was. My most precious treasure is notes made by my dad in spiritual books he read as well as his beloved Bible. Scripture he loved has become precious to me. How I wish he had been able to have a note taking Bible. I would cherish it and use it as I am also a note taker. Thank you for this opportunity.

  115. What a great idea! Engaging, interactive, and one can take notes without obscuring the text (as I admit sometimes happens with me).

  116. It’s with great love,that God had given you the ability to do all you do through publishing. We receive the Word of God through each and every magazine you publish. I know when I pick up one that I’m not going to be confronted with worldly
    Beliefs. Your STAR shines brightly for all to see. I too would enjoy receiving this Bible. I have many Bibles and use most of them when studying. Some are taped together with duck tape but I’m still using them and still underlining and writing in all of them. I use the NIV currently for the study of Revelation at Bible Study Fellowship. I hope you have heard of this group as they welcome all faiths in the study of His Word. Grace and Peace To you and Yours, Phyllis

  117. I would love to be able to do some bible journaling with my mom. We are really close and she has brought me up in church. She has helped me grow in my Faith through Christ and she has showed me some bible journaling she found online.

  118. This is great! Something I would love and also a great idea for a gift! I would love to win, but definitely will look into purchasing this in the future for myself or my family .

  119. I appreciate the give-away of this lovely Bible but I’m going to Lifeway and purchase one. I would hope that a worthy person could receive this gorgeous Bible and I thank you for bringing it to our attention. I love your blog. You enrich our lives. Cheers, Linda Hutchinson

  120. While I would selfishly love it for myself, I’d give it to my mother. She will be 80 this year and is a lovely, christian woman. She loves to write poetry and is a great artist and I think along with her scripture would be lovely for her note taking and drawing. Thanks for the chance!

  121. When I married my hubby 29 years ago my aunt gave us a Bible with our new married names imprinted on it. I have used that Bible every Sunday morning and night, Wed. night and at every Women of Faith Conference I have ever attended. To say I have a massive amount of notes in my Bible is a serious understatement. I have written on the tops of pages and down the sides and even in tiny little letters right up next to the footnotes which happen to be in the center of two columns of scripture in my edition. I love my Bible!! But now nearly 30 years later I think it may be time for new wisdom and insights from God almighty to be recorded in this beautiful edition! Thank you for making it a possibility to win it! What a treasure not only for me but for the generations left behind after I leave to head to my heavenly home! Blessings, Cindy

  122. I would love to share one of these bibles with one of our members in our congregation that is new to being a christian. She has recently accepted the Lord and I want to give her every resource I can. Kudos to the publisher.

  123. In Church I take notes on the Church bulletin, the offering envelope, a grocery receipt, etc. (I’m SO unorganized), at home, I usually just read the Bible, and underline certain verses, but don’t take notes.
    I think this “Note Taking Bible” would help me to keep all my thoughts and notes in one, organized place.
    It’s a Great Idea!

  124. My Bible is full of notes and underlines. I would love to have a Bible that had some space to write my notes and that I could easily read when I reread those scriptures. This is a wonderful idea!

  125. There are so many instances when I am praying for someone and I want to “follow-up” with a note and I include, what I feel is an appropriate Scripture selection..I could jot down who I sent the specific selection to and why I felt they needed it,as a reminder of all of the ways God touches our hearts and lives.

  126. This is a beautiful Bible. About five years ago I threw away my Bible because I was a miserable person. This Bible would be greatly appreciated by me to renew my faith.

  127. I would love this bible. I have been researching these and haven’t been able to decide which one to buy. Winning this giveaway would solve that problem for me!

  128. I really love this! I have had my Bible for 41 years now, but to have a Bible to take notes in would be so wonderful.

  129. A journaling bible would be a wonderful way to begin the new year! I often “copy and paste” inspiring e articles and bible phrases into a Word document, print them, and tuck them inside of my bible. I have found that to be an easy way for me to keep a record of the special treasures that I have read! Like you Phyllis, I still love the “feel” of the “written” word as I study! Thank you for the opportunity to win one of these new journaling bibles! I would love to use one!

  130. I received a journaling Bible for Christmas and I just love it. I’m still going to keep my regular Bible and notebook for ordinary notetaking (sermons and such) but will use my journaling Bible for art-journaling at home. I’ve just completed my first art-journal entry using the colored inks I use for scrapbooking. Once I got over the fear of “messing up” the pristine page, I loved the process and the way it helped me meditate on the verse I was illustrating.

  131. Wow! This is so timely! My Bible, with notes all over the pages dating from 1979, is ready to be retired. Although being selected to win one would be lovely, at least now I know which one I will select when I replace my current trusty companion.

  132. this is a genius idea. I have admired the journaling bible with wide margins used for art journaling. bEautiful artwork, sketches, penmanship and lettering to illustrate the scriptures as the person studies. iF I had any artistic talent, I would definitely want to join a journaling group ! tHere are online groups. cHildren as well as adults are
    Doing this. the adults are creating precious heirlooms. check it out !

  133. Thank you so much for your constant contact with your followers and those who love all things that are associated in any way with Southern Lady. Thank you also for sharing information about this wonderful Bible and the opportunities it would provide for noting personal reflections about Scripture that has tremendous impact on us – at the moment of writing as well as many times afterward as we reread treasured verses. In our world of technology this Bible and the personal notations would be so meaningful.

  134. I was always told that you do not write in the Bible. Any notes are in notebooks and sometimes I do not know the scriptures that the notes pertain to. This Bi leg was made to write in the margins. I could write my notes in the side margins of this Bible because it was printed just for that reason.

  135. Thank you for the give away and please give an “air five,” as students call it, to the creator. The white space will prompt reflection, thus yielding peace in the heart and mind. Beautiful.
    I’d love to have one; the reflections will be lessons for years to come.
    Happy New Year to Everyone!

  136. What an amazing idea! There is never room on the regular pages of my Bible for notes or I write so small I can’t make out what I wrote or I write one word thinking it is going to jog my memory. LOL Strange no one thought of this before.

  137. The fact that there is more space to be creative with notes I write is so appealing with this Bible. What a great idea they had. Even in the time of being able to read along with mobile devices, I still like having an actual book in front of me.

    1. Post

      Congratulations Terri! You are one of our five Note-Taking Bible winners. Please use the “Contact Me” link at the bottom of the page and in the Comments field provide your address so that we can send you this wonderful gift. Thank you for entering the giveaway and for subscribing to The Ribbon in My Journal.

  138. I would love to win one of these Bibles as I have been in need of a new Bible for quite awhile now but have been unable to purchase one for financial reasons ! This one would be perfect for me as I am a journal keeper , note taker and one who loves God’s word . I am also creative and visual and I could even get a little artistic within it’s wonderful pages . 🙂 I truly hope I win . ~Sharon Goemaere

  139. How great it would be to have a Bible like this. I take notes on my bulletin and this would keep everything together. What a wonderful idea this is. Have a Blessed day.

  140. Right now I am using a Bible I’ve had since 1987. It is falling apart but I’ve made so many notes in it, that I am having a hard time with the thought of “moving in ” to another one. But my notes are getting harder and harder to read. Some have faded out over the years, some are just downright impossible to read because they are so small or are running in to more notes on the page. I would love to have a Bible that allowed room for notes so I could actually read my own writing! This would be so nice.

  141. This is a fantastic idea. I would be giving it to a friend of mine. He is currently incarcerated and a (hopefully) recovered alcoholic who has embraced God as part of his recovery. I would like to provide him with as many tools as possible to aid in his recovery and I think this would be very, very useful to him.

  142. I would love to win one of these Bibles. It would be much better to write in than the small margins of regular Bibles. I would have all the notes in one place and may even try my hand at illustrating the verses like I saw in the video above!

  143. For years I have underlined and written in the tiny margins of my Bible. They are such reminders of the fingerprints God has all over my life’s walk. To have a Bible with wider margins would definitely be a blessing. What a special gift for five women.

  144. When did I begin writing in my Bible? Though I can’t recall exactly, I can turn through those Bibles (I have more than one which is worn and note-filled) and see dates, with significant insights, times when God broke through my hungry heart and gave me nourishment! Or times when as a “detective of divinity,” I found evidence of God’s grace showing me the way I should go, celebrating His promises for protection and provision.

    What a precious gift to receive a fresh space to mark words of His unfailing love!

    Thank you to Broadman-Holman–and thanks to you for sharing!

  145. I find over the years the notes I have squeezed in the margins get harder and harder to read. And I also like to note the month and year that the note was written. A little insight into where my heart and mind were at that time. So thank you for the opportunity to legibility read and write properly during bible studies and sermons.

  146. How wonderful to be able to locate your notes and, when going back to a particular scripture, read your thoughts and notes from a different time in your life. How many times have we all written in miniscule script with each word chasing the other around the perimeter of the page? And then after squinting until our eyes ache realize that these little words are too small to read – and we know the thought or teaching was important to us.

    This is a grand idea! And we wonder why no one thought of it sooner . . .

  147. I think a Note-Taking Bible would be a great treasure to give your child one day. I love going through my mom’s bible and reading her notes.

  148. I am an avid note taker I jot notes down on everything and everywhere then can never find them when I want them. Having this to organize my notes and be able to no exactly where to find them would be short of a miracle.

  149. I was taught early in life to always carry my bible to church and shown by example to study at home. Bibles filled with personal thoughts, special verses and dates are a wonderful gift to leave our children after we are gone. I would never give up my bible for a mobile device. Bibles are so special. I love looking back at my notes. This is a wonderful idea. Thanks.

  150. I have had more of a spiritual connection rather than a true religious one…I’ve been wanting to grow a deeper connection and this seems like a perfect way for the note taker that I am to do so. Thank you for the opportunity.

  151. Through the years, I have accumulated many Bibles and journals – they are stacked in my closet. I underline, take notes and are a compilation of my spiritual walk. I love to jot down a date next to a Scripture when I pray for my children, highlighting verses that speak volumes to me and write my thoughts to God in the margins. To have a Bible that would allow extra space for this sounds amazing!!!!

  152. Thank you so much letting me know about the note-taking Bible. I have used post-it notes, but I love the idea of reflecting on our thoughts as we read His Word!

  153. I am in the December time of my life. Over the years I have had several bibles and have found making notes was so important to my time in the Word. The problem always being not enough real estate on the pages for writing. His Word is our life Thank you Hofmann,s for being a great inspiration to me in so many ways

  154. WoW! What an awesome idea! Had to be a woman on this committee! Now there will not be all these little papers tucked away in your Bible. Easily you can leave a legacy to the family!

  155. My son is 23 years old. He is in his second year of medical school, works in 2 research labs and still finds time to read many different books and takes notes from these books…and every evening he also reads the bible and takes notes. I thought it a little strange but now I understand. This bible would be such a wonderful gift for a wonderful young man.

  156. Notes and bible verses in the same place! Beautiful idea. In the bible classes that I have taken, an additional soft bound book specific to the particular book of the bible to be studied was bought for the participant to journal in and use as a workbook. This book also had questions and answers and blank spaces for thoughts, etc., after each verse. The problem being, two books to pick up when going back later to re-review.

    1. Post

      Congratulations Doris! You are one of our five Note-Taking Bible winners. Please use the “Contact Me” link at the bottom of the page and in the Comments field provide your address so that we can send you this wonderful gift. Thank you for entering the giveaway and for subscribing to The Ribbon in My Journal.

  157. How convenient this would be, I often find myself scrambling for paper. Most of the time I try to keep it with my bible but that’s not always the case. This would be wonderful, I have a new church Family & am loving it! Thank you

  158. When I’m reading, I don’t always have a notebook and standard Bibles don’t have much room to do more than highlight. This would be great.

  159. I have taken notes for 50+ years. My notes have been in pocket calendars and steno notebooks. This would be wonderful to have everything in one place and a great legacy to leave for my children and grandchildren.

  160. Did not know this new Bible was available. Found it divine that I just received an email from Lifeway introducing the Bible and a special Bible journaling event at local Lifeway Stores next Tuesday. Then I open your email to see the introduction of the new Bible as well. I don’t think coincidences exist. I think it is a Word from the Father. I so enjoy your blog. Blessings to you in the new year!

  161. I’m so glad that they are publishing this type Bible as the margins never seem large enough, and then sometimes my pen marks would bleed after several years and a permanent marker bleeds through. Appreciate the opportunity and generosity.

  162. This Bible is wonderful. One of my adult daughters loves the Lord dearly and writing out Bible notes. She also has a journal that she writes Bible verses with watercolors. When she was just 12 years old she was recognized for being the youngest known to have read the Bible in its entirety in 90 days. She wound up doing it twice that year. I would give this to her as an encouragement because she just moved on Jan1st, all by herself from MI to OH to start a new job. My CT heart was breaking that I could not help her.

  163. My son, who is a pastor in Franklin, TN, conducted a funeral this past Saturday entirely based on the Scriptures that had been highlighted in the Bible of the woman who died. He said that those highlights spoke volumes about her and presented a clear picture of what she valued. My daughter recently mentioned how much she treasures her granddaddy’s Bible because almost everything in the Book of Proverbs had been marked — very fitting since he was known as a man of great wisdom.
    I am a note-taker in church myself, but my current Bible has no more room for recording fresh insights. I am so glad someone has created a Bible version that encourages us to be active listeners.

  164. I have notes and verses written all over the place, this Bible would provide a space for expansion and understanding of the verses written and would be able to reference them when needed. Thank you for sharing this wonderful find.

  165. When I read your entry today , I immediately thought of my dear neighbor and friend , Liz . She has been avidly devoted to reading her Bible for years . I have always admired her faith and her daily devotion of reading her favorite book . Liz’s 93 year old Mom passed away at Thanksgiving . Although she is grieving , she believes that one day she will see her Mom again . Faith is a beautiful blessing isn’t it ?
    Your offering would be a perfect gift for Liz .
    Thank you for such an opportunity.

  166. This would be so convenient for keeping my thoughts, prayers and inspirations in one place, plus it would be a creative outlet. I’ve found that when I sketch, I am more meditative and reflective.

  167. I both cried and laughed at your message. Tears filled my eyes at its beauty and “The Earth is full of the Lord’s unfailing Love.” And to know you too were guilty of wondering why people were on their smart phones. Tears changed to laughter as I am guilty of very same thing. I leave my phone in the car for fear of doing something bizarre. I would just love and cherish it and use it.

  168. Happy New Year, Phyllis! First of all, I just want to say that I have been a Southern Lady customer since the very beginning of the magazine, and I just love all things Southern Lady, especially your delightful blog! One of the first qualities that drew me in to your lovely magazine all those years ago was the virtuous woman verse from Proverbs 31 that you highlighted at the end of your “Letter from The Editor” in each issue! It is such an incredible blessing to have a wonderful woman of faith share a love for The Lord through His Word with everyone who picks up an issue of Southern Lady! Thank You So Much for being a light in our society! Now on to today’s blog post…It would mean so much to me to receive one of these beautiful journaling Bibles that have been graciously provided from LifeWay! Like you, I love traditional note taking with a journal alongside my Bible…But this year I feel impressed to try and learn something new in recording what God is doing in my life through His Word, and I believe that this Bible would be a wonderful treasure for my 46th year! I celebrate my birthday in January as well, so I always look forward to the new year with all its promise and possibilities, and I would just be so grateful and excited to start this new year with a brand-new Bible and brand-new journaling season! Thank You So Much for offering this give-away to your readers! Today and always, I thank God for the gift of you and your positive influence in my life and the lives of countless other ladies around the world! You are a precious treasure, and I am praying that your new year is filled with much joy and many blessings!

  169. I would love this Bible, my current Bible does not have alot of room for making notes and I have written all over the place in it. Thanks for the chance.

  170. What a wonderful idea this is……so great for anyone, certainly deserving to win this. I could really appreciate something so useful, (everyday use). Thank you for a wonderful magazine also!!!

  171. Oh, my gosh! This is genius!!
    To be able to take notes and capture a thought or insight , while reading scripture, would be a happy rewarding experience. The convenient note space while listening to the word, would absolutely stop any memorable, thought provoking words from slipping away. I want one!

  172. What a great way to start each day! Putting on paper your inspirations for the day after reading scripture.
    Thanks for the opportunity of being able to receive one.

  173. This has the potential to be a very important tool for someone! I already have several different Bibles to choose from, so if I had one of these, I would pray for an opportunity to give it to someone who needed it more.

  174. I would love to have a Bible with wide margins for notes. Most of the ones I’ve seen use a font size that is too small to read comfortably. Please give us a slightly larger font and note-taking space.

  175. I would love the note taking Bible because every time I open my bible those thoughts would be there to review over and over again. Our mininster always leaves room on the back of the church bulletin but those are difficult to keep up with. This way, my thoughts and comments would always be right there . . . where I put them! 🙂

  176. I love this idea, it’s brilliant! My Bibles all have little scribble notes on the pages. I’m excited for your readers who will win one. I’m going to buy a few as gifts this week. Thank you for sharing this, what a great way to start off the new year.

  177. This is wonderful! i write in my Bible all the time. When at the end of my time here on earth, I hope that my Bible, with all my thoughts, dreams, favorite scriptures and meanings will be passed on to a loved one, and cherished, as I have cherished the time spent living them. Thanks for being such an inspiration.

  178. What a great idea. I admit to using a colored pen to date and highlight lessons in my Bible. I didn’t realize how big an impact what I did had on others until we gave our grandson a Bible as a birthday gift. It wasn’t too long that he came to me to ask if he could write in his bible like I did. It was the perfect God given opportunity for me to witness to him about how and what he might write. This would be such a gift. Thank you so much.

  179. this Bible would be very handy to take notes in and to draw pictures of your thoughts. I like to write in the date and sermon scripture when our pastor preaches. Or other pastors. Neat to see the dates and scriptures that all the pastors use and if there is a repeat.

  180. Wow! How awesome it would be to have a Bible with space to write my notes in handwriting large enough to read! And to write more notes than usual because there would be available space. This is wonderful.

  181. I have always treasured every Bible I received including the one I was given to me by our church when I was a rising 3rd grader. I always wanted to keep each Bible in pristine condition and never wanted to actually write on it’s pages but rather slip notes in my Bible of things I wanted to remember. I would love to receive one of these special Bibles so I could write in it without feeling I was messing it up.

  182. I bought my oldest granddaughters journaling Bibles at Lifeway for Christmas, which they are happily using. This is something that interests me, as well. Like the nice wide margin, which I think would better suit my needs. I like to make notes in bible class about historical facts, cross references, who taught the class and when, etc. so I could be artistic and knowledgeable.

  183. My daughter received a note taking Bible for Christmas, along with colored pencils and markers. She loves it. I have always taken notes on my bulletin and then they end up in the wastebasket, so I recently started taking a journal with me, along with my Bible. Why didn’t I think of that before?? The convenience of a note-taking Bible would be wonderful 🙂

  184. Thanks for telling us about the new note-taking Bible. I never have enough room to add all the notes that I would like to add from Sunday’s sermons. It would be great to have this Bible. Yes, turning on music is probably something I would do in trying to take notes on my iPad.

  185. While I think this Bible is really a wonderful find, I would like to win it for a young friend of mine who is the youth minister at my grandchildren’s church. She was recently ordained and also newly married and I know their money is tight. I know this would be ideal for her. This church has been my peace of mind as we live in Maine and our daughter and her children live in Texas. This “church family” has taken care of them through some rough times.

  186. I was not aware of the concept of Bible journalling until recently and found it quite intriguing. My Bibles do not have wide margins for notes and I can’t bring myself to highlight text, hence a notebook to track what I want to remember. It would be wonderful to have one of these special Bibles that actually has places for notes and meaningful doodles. Our Daily Bread even sells special stamps for Bible journalling and this new way of study where it’s OK to write in your Bible is inspiring.
    I too have seen parishioners following scripture on their phones during service and using this method for Bible study classes. This is the way of the future with technology I guess.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win one of the Bibles from Lifeway/BandH publishing.

  187. Taking notes directly in my Bible would be more convenient than keeping up with small pieces of paper stuck in my Bible. Thank you for your blogs. I haven’t found one which I didn’t enjoy.

  188. What a novel concept! I might not be able to wait for the give away to get one of these. I would use it for the rest of my days in church and in reflection. It would then be passed down to the next generations to utilize, enjoy and learn from. I will just be a custodian of it for my time left on earth. Thank you for offering them up!

  189. WOW, something like this would have been PERFECT when I had my religion courses in college. Even though I took them as electives the couple of religion classes ended up being some of the best college courses I ever took and some of my very favorite. After a lifetime of “Sunday School” lessons it was such a new experience to approach it in a more academic manner and one of the best experiences I had in college. Some people might think the Bible approached in this manner would decrease your faith but it was the exact opposite. For one thing if I had this Bible I’d take it back to my alma mater and show it to the department for those classes. This would be FANTASTIC for college use.

  190. What a wonderful way to start the new year! I’m so glad Lifeway came up with this idea. It will end all the scrunched up illegible margin writings! Thank you!

  191. I love this idea. I always want to take notes, but my Bible becomes messy, which I really hate. This is a wonderful solution to that dilemma. I would love to have a note-taking Bible. Thanks so much for sharing.

  192. I would use this as a new version of my “Gratitude Book” where I write each day the things I am most grateful for – even my trials and disappointments as God teaches me so much through every experience, and I am very grateful for everything He gives me. Having scriptures near my entries would be a lovely way to learn more and more while praising Him for all He does for me, each and every moment!

  193. What a great idea. I don’t like writing in my “good” Bible but this was just made for that purpose. As long as you don’t idly doodle it’s a great thing.

  194. Both of my parents were ministers. Daddy would highlight with colored pencils which I also do. I make notes in my Bibles but never seem to have enough space. This Bible will give me the best of both worlds, notes and highlights. How great would that be!

  195. Great idea! Our pastor gives lots of food for thought, so this would be handy to write down some of the comments. Would love to have one!

  196. I’ve actually been looking for one.. I look at my bible and there are so many notes scribbled in the margins and between columns and they are so hard to read. I would love this so that I could freely add notes and thoughts and particularly when I come across a scripture to pray for someone, I would have room to right their name and date by it. It would truly be a Godsend!! Thanks for the chance.

  197. This is a WONDERFUL idea for those of us that write in our bibles or take sermon notes!!!! Like the comment above, I cannot read what I write in my bible because it is so small. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  198. This Bible would be wonderful as I can never find my notes from sermons. Great way to have notes handy to refer to again and again.

  199. As I celebrate this year being 10 years of a stable brain tumor I am reminded that my “new” life all started in a stable. I would use this amazing Bible format to document the continued journey of understanding His word while celebrating His promises and love available to all.

  200. What a great idea this Bible is! I scribble notes in margins and years later often cannot read them. This would be ideal for noting the essence of a sermon or of a particular insight from a Bible study.

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