
Santa’s Red Boot

Phyllis Décor 14 Comments

For as long as I can remember, Mom has arranged beautiful holiday greenery in a Santa boot. I don’t know much about the origin of this vase, but I imagine a florist used it years ago when holiday arrangements were made and delivered.

There are things at Christmas that spark memories, and this little boot does that for me. Mom gave it to me years ago, and I just love it. It is cracked from all the years’ wear, but I place a cup inside to hold the water, as I am not sure it will hold water. And I wouldn’t want to do anything to stress it more. Then I fill it with holly or evergreen. This year it’s holding a plant called snow-on-the-mountain. I had never seen this plant, but Tracey Runnion, one of our talented photo stylists, was using it for a photography shoot and arranged it inside my little boot.

Get out your favorite Christmas keepsakes, and use them.

Please share your favorite treasures with me in the comments.


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Comments 14

  1. Over the years we have had many lovely Christmas trees but finally the time came when it was just too much for us to handle. Then we started a new tradition of filling our old house with big red Poinsettias. They are so cheerful and they last well into Spring. Happy Holidays to all your readers. Lee Andersen

  2. My favorites are the little ornaments that my children made in school…thank you to all the teachers….they usually have a picture of the child in it. I also have a cloth wreath that was made with my daughters hand prints…I love it and will pass it to my daughter soon as she will have 2 daughters of her own soon! Merry Christmas and thank you for all of your wonderful posts.

  3. I have a boot just like that but it is black. My aunt made it in 1961 and gave it to me for Christmas in1962. I put it out every Christmas and dearly love it, I had fresh flowers put in it this year.

  4. I have a little Santa’s Village that I got when my parent’s and I and my two Aunt’s visited Santa’s Village somewhere near Lake Placid in the 1950’s. All the pieces are candles and include a ‘workshop’ and toy animals.
    It is over 60 years old now but comes out every Christmas.

  5. Every ornament I hang on the tree or display in our home has a tale or a name or a reason. Nestled amid the branches against the trunk of the tree is a kitten shaped card as old as me, signed by my dad for my very first Christmas. Secured by a small loop of ribbon at the top of the tree is a free-hand cut cardboard star covered in tinfoil made by my young (tipsy) husband that has survived 35 Christmases with only a midlife refoiling. Each treasure brings a smile & conjures a memory. This continuity, the warp & weft of of love & tradition, is the bright woven fabric of Christmas that keeps us connected with all of the people, past & present, whose existence is precious to us.  They are the best Christmas gift of all.

  6. I have a couple of little red boots that I made in a ceramics class years ago. One boot has my name on it and the other has my husband’s name. They are been part of my Christmas decorating for over 30 years!

  7. Hello, I love Victoria Magazine! One of my favorite ornaments is my vintage cardstock Santa very Victorian image. Also, I made paper rosettes a couple of years ago out of vintage music sheets and they still look awesome on my tree.

  8. I have a Santa boot, too. My Aunt made it for my mom and I also have the smaller ones that are candle stick holders. I have greenery and candy canes in mine. I even found a santa boot ornament that reminded me of the boot. My mom recently gave me the boot and it is one of my favorite Christmas decorations.

  9. I have a few things of my Mama’s that I use every year at Holiday time too. One thing I love using is the now antique Santa my Mom gave me when I was a child. Chubby face and fat felt body gives me a warm happy feeling. And of course I use her ugly white Chritsmas tree. I called it that for years when she would decorate it with whatever color was in style that year. This year I have used silver. Thanks Mama for all the memories!

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