Distracted from Best Intentions

Distracted from Best Intentions

Phyllis Lifestyle 36 Comments

Like most busy people, I am easily distracted or pulled away from things I intend or want to do. I have a friend named Joan who sends cards to many people for encouragement, birthdays, or just to say, “I love you.” Whatever the occasion, she never misses a chance to send a beautiful card. I am always overwhelmed when I …

Triple-Layer Chocolate Cake

Set in Our Ways

Phyllis Lifestyle 22 Comments

I have heard that little comment come up on several occasions lately—set in our ways. That is really a scary thought that we are set… like concrete, maybe? Being truthful, I guess we all are set in our ways to some extent. Perhaps there is comfort with the familiar in our lives. We talked about changes in another blog a …


Notice and Compliment

Phyllis Lifestyle 60 Comments

Women love to be acknowledged. In fact, we thrive on it. A sincere compliment from someone important in our lives is sometimes life changing. I often wish that I had acknowledged someone, but instead I find myself thinking it in my mind and never saying anything. Why didn’t I say it? Why? It would have been so simple to compliment …


Working Through Change

Phyllis Lifestyle 39 Comments

There’s one thing that is for certain in life: everything changes. I hate change. I love going to my favorite restaurant and knowing my favorite dish will be right on the menu, center column, fourth from the top. But the real springer?­ One day I went there, and there was a new menu for the season. Oh no, change! Why …

Enjoying the Moment

Enjoying the Moment

Phyllis Lifestyle 28 Comments

I said to a friend of mine several years ago, “You are so busy planning the future that you are missing today!” I wish I could recall the circumstances of that conversation, but I vividly remember that comment. As I was writing this I just got a call from my grandson. Everything stops when his name pops up on my …


Learning to Say No

Phyllis Lifestyle 55 Comments

One of the things I’m working on is saying “no,” when there is something I really don’t want to do but feel pressured or urged to do by a friend or colleague. I usually like to please people, and I find myself being obligated to do things I wish I had said no to. You get to where you are …

Little Flowers

It’s the Little Things

Phyllis Lifestyle 39 Comments

Thank you for your response to our post last week about letting go. I always love a new year because it gives us the opportunity to take an inward look at ourselves and think about how we spend our time. I think as I grow older, I realize more and more the little things in life are the things that …